
It's far from cutting edge. There are doctors trying it because it's new but that's about it. They've taken very little market share from Novasure. They get pockets of business here and there but To say the technology is cutting edge, ya not so much. Their sole focus with Minerva is to sell it. It will never be as successful as Novasure. As a whole, the endometrial ablation market is on the decline. IUD's such a Mirena are the biggest reason for the GEA decline.

Minerva's only tactic is to turn it into a pricing war. It's clinically below average and can typically be beat out by discussing the lack of clinical data and etc. As suggested in the prior comment you'll find pockets of areas where they'll take business due to pricing or docs just wanting to try something new, but far from taking true market share.

Idiotic replies from reps getting beat. Minerva has better Efficacy. Get new jobs, stop drinking the kool aid!

Better efficacy based on what, their lousy 105 patient biased study based outside of the US? You clearly need to read the Monograph, it's going to wipe Minerva clear off the map. Talk about game changer. Why would I want a new job, the one I have is amazing. 30% of our salesforce is hitting our number and only another 30% is making no commission at all. There's nowhere I'd rather be!! Back to back to back!!

And who cares if we had a call where they changed Novasure quota for the forth straight quarter. Even if WP said that Minerva is gaining traction that doesn't mean anything, we're still the GEA kings! I'm pumped that Myosure quotas are even higher now. There's never been a better time to be in the surgical division especially with the launch of that new aquilex. That will be unreal!!! Oh, and do you know how awesome it is that docs don't have to dilate to 8 now for Novasure!

The monograph is a paid consultant junk storm. The guy in Canada never did a Minerva.

There are 2 FDA studies showing Minerva is better.

Keep the lies going guys and sink with the ship!

The monograph is a paid consultant junk storm. The guy in Canada never did a Minerva.

There are 2 FDA studies showing Minerva is better.

Keep the lies going guys and sink with the ship!

but what about all those success stories we are reading about the Mongraph! The Costa Concordia is sinking and the captain (TO) just took a lifeboat to shore. Wonder when his next email to the sales force, errrrr, sales managers is coming out.

How about corporate culture? For both hologic and/or Minerva ?

No trash talk please... just honest opinions

This is a joke right? I’ve been in sales for nearly 2 decades. Hologic is BY FAR the worst corporate culture I’ve ever seen in my entire career. From the second training began (with the now relieved MBT) this company was an absolute nightmare. Constant micromanagement and mistrust of sales reps. Firings of employees at all levels from reps to upper management, urging reps to screw over customers at the end of every quarter (essentially goosing the books for Wall Street), people quitting left and right the second they find another opportunity, I mean this place is an absolute train wreck. Obviously I can’t speak to the culture at Minerva but I can’t even fathom how it could be worse. THE greatest day of my career perhaps, was leaving Hologic Surgical (maybe with the exception of making the Presidents Club trips in other jobs). I truly feel sorry for anyone still working there.

Minerva is NOT the issue. There is no need to worry regarding Minerva. Minerva is a New "Me TOO" product. Novasure and Minerva for that matter, need to worry about Aegea. Aegea is going to KILL both products!

Right.... because the endometrial ablation market is so awesome right now. Oh, and the office is flush with opportunity. Um... and “Vapor” *cough* Steam!!! Is such a hard thing to sell against. The office has always sucked, it’s all about the OR. Scratch that, the OR, Office and the ASC all suck in this market. Ablation is dead, Minerva reps are racing for the exits. I left Less than a year ago, but still keep in contact with my friends that are still over there. Anyone pushing ablation today is chasing “vapors” of the past. No way Novasure ever loses its hold on the market, ask Minerva. It’s a dying market anyway.
Holx should buy Aegea tbh.