The head to head survey is last ditch effort to stop the bleeding of Novasure business, without a shred of care for what it does to the salesforces’ credibility or reputation. Minerva is just a better device. Wake up folks. Novasure was created with tech from the mid to late 90s. Power is fixed and determined by a blind length x width estimation. Minerva is automatic and modulated. Novasure is hard to open. Minerva seats itself. Novasure is frustrating to troubleshoot failures of CIA test. Minerva confirms seal at the cervix prior to tests. The FDA says Minerva is statistically significantly better (no matter how badly you refuse to accept it). You are going to lose this battle, because the facts always ring true.
Novasure was a great product and had a great run. The brilliant people that created it did an amazing job improving it with 15 years of surgeon feedback and technological advancements, as represented in the Minerva.
The marketing “studies” funded by Hologic are not going to convince anyone that the product is actually better. It will ruin a lot of sale reps reputations and credibility. Think about how you are going to explain why JMIG, Journal or Gynecolgical Surgery, and other reputable publications flat out rejected the study based on numerous ethics violations. This would be a good question for your sales leadership. Be careful how blindly you follow the direction of an unethical, panicked leadership. Your comp plan should tell enough about how they value you.
Be smart, and good luck out there.