Millions of men suffer from low T

When you go to the Doctor and request this after seeing (being inundated) with that biased, no real information lie of a commercial, that indeed, your balls will shrink to the size of a peanut? Wise up America!

Normal Hormone Levels
Below are listed normal levels of IGF-1, testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone.
Please note, all hormones decrease with age so the levels listed below are what modern Western medicine considers "normal for age".
The decrease of these important hormones as we age plays a major role in bringing on the effects of aging.
IGF-1 levels reflect the amount of human growth hormone (the hormone of youth) in the body.

IGF-1 Levels
(Somatomedin D)
Age Male (ng/ml) Female (ng/ml)
2 months - 5 years 17-248 17-248
6 - 8 years 88-474 88-474
9 - 11 years 110-565 117-771
12 - 15 years 202-957 261-1096
16 - 24 years 182-780 182-780
25 - 39 years 114-492 114-492
40 - 54 years 90-360 90-360
>55 years 71-290 71-290
Estrogen in Females Reference Ranges - pmol/l
Prepubertal 12 -57
Follicular Phase 29-525
Luteal Phase 126-478
Postmenopausal 23-103

Estrogen in Males
Prepubertal 12-55
Adult 38-139

Progesterone in Females ng/ml pmol/l
Follicular Phase 0.3-0.8 0.9-2.3
Luteal Phase 4-20 11.6-58
Progesterone in Males 0/12-0.3 0.3-0.9

Testosterone in Males Reference Range - ng/dl
Age Range
20-30 280-1205
30-40 350-1010
40-50 255-1025
50-60 255-950
60-70 120-870
70-80 38-850
80-90 28-390
Testosterone in Females
Age Range
adults 30-95