Million Dollar Mistake


It was a big mistake to hire people who have no knowledge or understanding for the business we are in, destroying what had previously been built.

And now?

Big job cuts looming with global economic circumstances as an excuse to hide Flemming & Thomas’s incompetence.

Game over!

Congratulations to F&T for costing us millions.

So the wave of terminations continues. People mean nothing here. This is a very sad state. Sorry Fleming, you can't survive and thrive like this. Please get it together and start to do better by your people. I would like to stay, but you make it very difficult to want to. YTA

So the wave of terminations continues. People mean nothing here. This is a very sad state. Sorry Fleming, you can't survive and thrive like this. Please get it together and start to do better by your people. I would like to stay, but you make it very difficult to want to. YTA

The current state of affairs is demoralizing. Even those who are not let go are wondering: do I REALLY want to be here?