Militia Movement Leader Fatally Shoots Fellow 'Patriot' Between the Eyes in Drunken Dispute


Vincent Smith, a right-wing organizer for the Paul Revere 2016 Final March to Restore America, fatally shot his co-founder Charles Carter in what appears to be self-defense during a drunken argument. The two men were organizing the march from the west coast to Washington D.C. with the intent of “removing the corrupt leadership that has taken over our beloved country and ousted her God and constitution.”

Their Facebook page continued ominously to state that, “It will be advertised that we will do this thing ‘As peacefully as possible’ But we will not be turned away.”

According to Bill Williamson, a friend and the failed organizer of 2 Million Bikers 2 DC, Carter was drunk and took Smith’s gun from his holster, at which point the sober Smith reacted quickly and pulled a spare gun, shooting Carter once between the eyes.

These radical right wing terrorists aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.


Vincent Smith, a right-wing organizer for the Paul Revere 2016 Final March to Restore America, fatally shot his co-founder Charles Carter in what appears to be self-defense during a drunken argument. The two men were organizing the march from the west coast to Washington D.C. with the intent of “removing the corrupt leadership that has taken over our beloved country and ousted her God and constitution.”

Their Facebook page continued ominously to state that, “It will be advertised that we will do this thing ‘As peacefully as possible’ But we will not be turned away.”

According to Bill Williamson, a friend and the failed organizer of 2 Million Bikers 2 DC, Carter was drunk and took Smith’s gun from his holster, at which point the sober Smith reacted quickly and pulled a spare gun, shooting Carter once between the eyes.

These radical right wing terrorists aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Far sharper than you and radical left wing terrorists.

Drunk, armed, hate filled right wing rednecks . . . what a surprise.

Maybe can we donate some fireworks to their cause so it'll at least give us a light show when these right wing fuckheads take themselves outta the gene pool? LMAO!

Drunk, armed, hate filled right wing rednecks . . . what a surprise.

Maybe can we donate some fireworks to their cause so it'll at least give us a light show when these right wing fuckheads take themselves outta the gene pool? LMAO!

Maybe you could change your skin color from dirty brown to pure white. Go Blo Al Sharpton and Barry from Honolulu. Then have Eric holder for desert.

It's not really a matter of politics it's more about psychology. These so called right wing patriots have no real coherent belief or plan. They're just angry, paranoid, racist, lunatics, who can barely function as it is. A bunch of delusional alcoholics.

The guy was a pretty good shot - got him right between the eyes. This is how evolution created the world boys and girls. The strong survive and the weak get it right between the eyes. Luckily, since it happened in the great state of Texas, there will be no charges. It was clearly self defense.

It's not really a matter of politics it's more about psychology. These so called right wing patriots have no real coherent belief or plan. They're just angry, paranoid, racist, lunatics, who can barely function as it is. A bunch of delusional alcoholics.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. That the only excuse for delusional posts like this.

The gang bangers in Chicago are doing a pretty good job of cleaning their genes out of the pool but I know where not supposed to make note of that because they are good Demokkkrats in a city that has been run by dysfunctional Demokkkrats for decades.

Once again the truth is not kind to your ilk.
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Looks to me like the crackpots on both sides are cleaning out their debris.... Read my excerpt from William Bennett if you dare.

Now, only if we could bust some bubbles and clear some of the debris off this board.
Ever wonder why the GOP has never tried to impeach Obama? Why John Boehner and
Mitch McConnell talk a big game, but never actually try to stop Obama? Why Congress holds the
purse strings, yet has never tried to de-fund Obamacare or Obama's executive action on amnesty for
illegal aliens? Bizarre, right? It defies logic, right? They're all in it together!

I'd guess many key Republicans are being bribed. Also, many key Republicans are being
blackmailed. Whether they are having affairs, or secretly gay, or stealing taxpayer money, the National Security Agency knows everything. Ask former House Speaker Dennis Hastert about that. The government knew he was withdrawing large sums of his own money from his own bank account. The NSA, the SEC, the IRS, and all the other three-letter government agencies are watching every Republican political leader. They surveil everything. Many Republicans are petrified of being called racists, so they are scared to ever criticize Obama or call out his so-called crimes, or demand his impeachment. Why rock the boat? After defeat or retirement, if you're a good old boy, you've got a $5 million-per-year lobbying job.

From the end of the article: "Texas law prohibits anyone from carrying a handgun while intoxicated, regardless of whether the gun is concealed or holstered." So let me get this straight. This terrible killing was committed by a "law-abiding citizen"—who ignored the law when he was drunk and pissed off. Hmmm... How is that possible?

From the end of the article: "Texas law prohibits anyone from carrying a handgun while intoxicated, regardless of whether the gun is concealed or holstered." So let me get this straight. This terrible killing was committed by a "law-abiding citizen"—who ignored the law when he was drunk and pissed off. Hmmm... How is that possible?

Hey, in Texas you once could drink beer and drive so why not drink and shoot friends between the eyes?
And I do have family and friends in Texas.

From the end of the article: "Texas law prohibits anyone from carrying a handgun while intoxicated, regardless of whether the gun is concealed or holstered." So let me get this straight. This terrible killing was committed by a "law-abiding citizen"—who ignored the law when he was drunk and pissed off. Hmmm... How is that possible?

Because you don't read very well cause it didn't happen.

Even if it had, it's against the law to drink and drive now isn't it? And the number of people involved with alcohol related car deaths far exceeds those of fire arms. What does this mean? That your retarded, hypocritical position has been beaten down with logic once again!

Because you don't read very well cause it didn't happen.

Even if it had, it's against the law to drink and drive now isn't it? And the number of people involved with alcohol related car deaths far exceeds those of fire arms. What does this mean? That your retarded, hypocritical position has been beaten down with logic once again!

The only 'r*****s' are drunk far right wing militia dolts who shoot each other between the eyes, occupy federal buildings and those who support them. You would be included as one of those 'r*****s'.