Miles White one of the best CEO's?


Got this BS in my email a few days ago:

Really? Sixth consecutive year in a row? Good at shipping jobs overseas.

I especially like the criteria Barron's uses to make their final choices for the cut:

"According to the story, the CEOs selected each year are not chosen by a statistical formula, but rather the line-up “reflects the views of Barron's reporters and editors, taking into account the opinions of investors, analysts, and industry executives.”

Translation: There is no objective formula for the decision, no, it is a subjective decision and it probably comes down to who your buddies are, and who spent the most in advertising.

Way to go Miles! It looks like it is not what you know; it is who you know. Luckily you have lots of money to buy your accolades.

omg what a pos. no stock splits in 15 years with Miles at the helm. Just playing shell game and 3 card Monty splitting of divisions. Then gives up the crown Jewel Humira. Dividend is crap. Sell the laggard.

The Barron's people must be smoking Crack. Let White's Abbott employees judge him and they will paint a very different, UGLY picture, guaranteed. BTW, check out the latest reviews on Glassdoor...

Nonsense! Miles White has helped me make FORTUNE while at Abbott. Retiring soon with almost $2,000,000 in the 401-k. How many pharma/device/nutritional companies had to merge or get bought out over the last 20 years? Abbott has remained strong.
Don't begrudge him for accepting his $25 or $35 million a year.... you would accept it too if it were offered to you.

Nonsense! Miles White has helped me make FORTUNE while at Abbott. Retiring soon with almost $2,000,000 in the 401-k. How many pharma/device/nutritional companies had to merge or get bought out over the last 20 years? Abbott has remained strong.
Don't begrudge him for accepting his $25 or $35 million a year.... you would accept it too if it were offered to you.

Aren't you special. Tres gauche. Ooh la la cheri! Are you available for marriage so I don't have to work for Miles anymore? Perhaps you can continue to work here and I will just stay at home and make you bon bons. Please call me right away at 1-800-URFULLOFYOURSELF. I can hardly wait to talk with you. I don't have any sleeping pills left but you will suffice.