Mileage Reimbursement on 6517


Gas has gone up quit a bit since we started back in October and I was just wondering what everyone is getting each month for mileage? I am getting around $1200.00 a month with a pretty small territory, anyone else care to post?

Gas has gone up quit a bit since we started back in October and I was just wondering what everyone is getting each month for mileage? I am getting around $1200.00 a month with a pretty small territory, anyone else care to post?

try selling something silli white cupcake instead of having your filthy hand out

How many stayovers do you have in-a-row during a week? I have 4 days in a row often. that's a lot of time away from home.

probably the same in gas. other car expenses, windshield, insurance, tires, ticket all add up