Mike Pederson....gone

Mike Pederson was by far one of the worst leaders at Boston Scientifc. With that being said, the EP division is as good as dead at this point. No significant new product releases in years and none coming in the near future. The sales organization of EP has been swallowed up into the CRM division. Mike has been looking to get out for a while, and he is going to a cardiac startup company.

Mike Pederson was by far one of the worst leaders at Boston Scientifc. With that being said, the EP division is as good as dead at this point. No significant new product releases in years and none coming in the near future. The sales organization of EP has been swallowed up into the CRM division. Mike has been looking to get out for a while, and he is going to a cardiac startup company.

Sounds like a sore prior BSC EP rep & current SJM or MDT EP rep commenting.

The BSC EP division was in a lul for about 5 years, without a doubt. Since Tobin, BSC has re-tooled priorities. AFib is growing 9-12% per year. BSC is not only buying technologies in that arena, but also coming out with a number of products in the next 18 months. Open Irrigated is CE approved OUS. Watchman (Atritech) is approved in Europe and will likely get FDA approval within the next 18-24 months. 500 million dollar market where BSC will have at least 2 year head start over SJM. Other BSC technologies are coming, either home grown or by buying technology.

"EP has been swallowed up into CRM" ... duh, that was written on the wall 18 months ago. SJM did it over a year ago and dumped all of their AF RMs. MDT has just announced they will restructure --same thing will happen with their AF RMs in the next year.

Division had challenges, no doubt, but not dead. Grass isn't always greener on the other side (MDT has issues w/ phrenic nerve AE & SJM AF division is inconsequential to SJM CRM leadership.

Get your facts straight spinmeister.

Ok. Get my facts straight? I'm not sure what planet your on. Since Tobin has left BSC has retooled priorities? We are talking about the EP division here. Since Tobin has left.
- nearly 80% of the the sales organization turned over
- Sales went from 125 Million to 110 million
- 2 product launces. Blazer Prime - Irrelevant. Dx-20 - failed launch
- Cryoballoon project (killed) Product backorders and shipholds. - chili comes off the market for a year.

AFIB is growing 9-12% a year. BSC is getting zero of that pie. Atritech was a good play, but this is a technology that prevents stroke. It will have a role in afib ablations, but it's not a therapy that treats it. It will be sold by IC & CRM. Where are these other technologies they are buying? Blazer OI? that is some joke. Marketing is so inept, they cannot even get the US trial started. Now projecting to start the trial in June. That means FDA approval in June of 2013 if things run smoothly.

Good for you for being so optimistic. It's not a bad thing to believe strongly in the division you work for. It's just sad at how Mike and others have run the division into the ground. A real shame.

Whoever just posted last was spot on. It's unfortunate that such a promising division has caved over the last few years. You can put much of the blame squarely on the shoulders of the former VP of Marketing. Too bad he's still with the company.

The only reason BSCI hasn't cut the entire sales force is (a) there's so few of them and (b) they need people with some EP background to transition the knowledge to CRM so they can invariably take over. Once the latter occurs, say goodbye to EPT as we once knew it.

Ok. Get my facts straight? I'm not sure what planet your on. Since Tobin has left BSC has retooled priorities? We are talking about the EP division here. Since Tobin has left.
- nearly 80% of the the sales organization turned over
- Sales went from 125 Million to 110 million
- 2 product launces. Blazer Prime - Irrelevant. Dx-20 - failed launch
- Cryoballoon project (killed) Product backorders and shipholds. - chili comes off the market for a year.

AFIB is growing 9-12% a year. BSC is getting zero of that pie. Atritech was a good play, but this is a technology that prevents stroke. It will have a role in afib ablations, but it's not a therapy that treats it. It will be sold by IC & CRM. Where are these other technologies they are buying? Blazer OI? that is some joke. Marketing is so inept, they cannot even get the US trial started. Now projecting to start the trial in June. That means FDA approval in June of 2013 if things run smoothly.

Good for you for being so optimistic. It's not a bad thing to believe strongly in the division you work for. It's just sad at how Mike and others have run the division into the ground. A real shame.

Hmmm, not hard to guess who posted above... sorry to hear you were let go. Pull yourself up at the boot straps & suck it up.

In addition to RIF'ing CRM dead weight (just my perspective based on the employees I know who were let go)---they could have done the same in EP, and given the EP Sales role to us in CRM. We have the relationships, and the EP Reps are non existent, based on how few of them there are/large geographies. The EPs don't even know the BSC EP Rep in our area--why bother keeping EP sales? Let us cover those products.

Good point. CRM can easily be trained on the catheters. The only companies that need dedicated EP support are SJM and Bio-Sense because of their mapping systems. I see the EP rep twice a year in my area.

In addition to RIF'ing CRM dead weight (just my perspective based on the employees I know who were let go)---they could have done the same in EP, and given the EP Sales role to us in CRM. We have the relationships, and the EP Reps are non existent, based on how few of them there are/large geographies. The EPs don't even know the BSC EP Rep in our area--why bother keeping EP sales? Let us cover those products.

Mr CRM, President Obama will now see you in his office - keep drinking the kool aid dilwad, you are so important to the world. Does your cardiologist need a changeout on the same insignia he implanted in 2005, or need you to reprogram MV because 'he gets it and its really important to his patients' ? The only reason you'd want to sell EP is to get hospital access to EPs that are 100% STJ & MDT, that's the only way you're going to get access these days....HA, who fucking cares about EP or BSC CRM - you call the ones dead weight that left or RIF'd? they're the same ones W2'ing 2x your income while you're stuck with a 3rd place company/products. Company culture in all divisions is like working at a car dealership, if you're that type you'll do fine but your EPs all think you're a bunch of has-been douches....

In addition to RIF'ing CRM dead weight (just my perspective based on the employees I know who were let go)---they could have done the same in EP, and given the EP Sales role to us in CRM. We have the relationships, and the EP Reps are non existent, based on how few of them there are/large geographies. The EPs don't even know the BSC EP Rep in our area--why bother keeping EP sales? Let us cover those products.

This is why BSC is so out of touch -- you want to take on more products when you can't even sell your own products. You call yourself a salesperson? Willing to bet your CRM market share is 25-35%. You have the relationships? haha- if relationships drive business and you have 25% mkt share, you need to look in the mirror fella. ... & you want to put more products in your bag? ...products that are low dollar volume overall. Talk to CP when you have 100% market share with the products in your bag NOW. What a loser.

Another one bites the dust. Our colleague, manager, mentor and friend from Denver will be sorely missed. Best of luck in your new endeavors with a real company who cares about EP.