To Wall Street MP is a Santa, to share holders MP is a Santa, to a Poland he is a Santa and to left over scraps of BL leadership he is a Santa. If you ask me then he is nothing but a big fat Belly asshole,
You couldn't have said it better. Mike Pearson is all those things and more. Yet Wall Street loves him. I just don't get it. I thought I was a decent person, abided all rules and laws, cared for people, etc., but I guess I'm the one with the Mike Pearson appears to be a saint to a lot of people. I just don't get it.
Hitler was a hero to the nazis, Bin Laden was a hero to radical muslims....Pearson is a hero to the financial speculators...and we all know how these stories usually end...
I don't think drawing parallels to worlds worst enemies is appropriate but I understand your feelings. MP is the worst human when it comes to dealing with people. As he is chopping up companies and shutting down doors aka good to our families his level of admiration by Wall Street is increasing. I suppose this is how it works but this teaches others that it is ok to treat innocent people like bunch of trash.
MP you are the worst kind of human being.