Mike Nohaile please do your job!


The exodus continues on the Genoptix Medical Laboratory sales team with folks tired of the oppressive management style of Peter Schiller and his group of ex Cypress and Verus hacks. (Just Google PeteBob and see what many, many individuals have to think about this incompetent group -- PS, BB, JM, DC, etc.)

The nepotism also continues with the hiring of the West Region Sales Director who comes from an orthopedic / dental background but more importantly was part of the PeteBob crew at Verus. There were several qualified individuals at Genoptix who had more expereince but unofortunately they did not work with PeteBob at Cypress or Verus helping to run those companies into the ground. Why did PeteBob refuse to interview JS the last DM who had more years of sales mgmt experience than Karlander? Oops no Cypress or Verus connection.

Is inspirational leadership important at Novartis? How about industry knowledge or even knowledge of how to properly run a sales team? it appears not and PeteBob is the right group to continue running the sales team into the ground.

It all begins at the top with the Head of Genoptix Tina making $5MM in compensation on $200 MM in sales while looking the other way as reps flee the company.

Welcome to the Novartis experience.

If anything your PeteBob will be soon promoted into even higher levels of incompetence.

You are a number like everyone else and eaisly replaceable.

I see it was announced that our worthless CFO and COO were both leaving in the next 2 months! Great start Mike -- now finish the job!

Fairly pathetic when Tina the President of the company in her email annoucing the departures says she knows many of us wish she were leaving too.

She may be stupid about what it takes to effectively run a competitive laboratory but at least she is not completely aslpeep while spending those millions in comp.