Midwest sucks


Why would anyone ever want to live in such a crappy place like the Midwest. People are passive aggressive, lack curiosity and basic self awareness, and could bore the shit out of the most boring person on the planet. And India-no-place takes the grand prize. What a god awful place to waste your life and time in…

Why would anyone ever want to live in such a crappy place like the Midwest. People are passive aggressive, lack curiosity and basic self awareness, and could bore the shit out of the most boring person on the planet. And India-no-place takes the grand prize. What a god awful place to waste your life and time in…

This post exemplifies a common flaw in inductive reasoning and it smells of confirmation bias.

Now, there is actually research that draws the conclusion that most large corporations are "passive-aggressive", so there is nothing unique about a company in Indiana suffering from it. Indeed, one of the main reasons I left the company years ago was the toxic culture at corporate, which oozed passive-aggressiveness and rewarded the empty-suit cheerleaders.

If one is pissed off at Lilly, and it seems from a distance there are many reasons to be pissed off, focus on that and avoid broad generalizations that do not hold up under scrutiny.

Why would anyone ever want to live in such a crappy place like the Midwest. People are passive aggressive, lack curiosity and basic self awareness, and could bore the shit out of the most boring person on the planet. And India-no-place takes the grand prize. What a god awful place to waste your life and time in…
. This is exactly what comes out of a Typical New York Wokie individual. Hate down to earth really good people. Stop the Wokie crap.

Why would anyone ever want to live in such a crappy place like the Midwest. People are passive aggressive, lack curiosity and basic self awareness, and could bore the shit out of the most boring person on the planet. And India-no-place takes the grand prize. What a god awful place to waste your life and time in…

I grew up in Manhattan (NYC). Been here since 1982. I love it here..Good restaurants. Great, accessible music scene (jazz). I live near Eagle Creek park and sailed and hike there. It took awhile. People are conservative and polite. I'm the crazy one here..

The problem with the Midwest is that companies like Lilly have way too many reps. In states like Wisconsin, Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Iowa. There may be business here but no way to access 99% of our customers.