Personally, Ortho remains a cash cow, it cannot compare to Neuro in terms of volume sales for both inpatient and outpatient settings. A personal recommendation is to wait a bit and take a look at Abbotts financials to see if Neuro is an area of growth or loss and what kinds of issues is Abbott having to absorb in acquiring this company (litigations, funding underfunded retirements). The rule of thumb is that the new company (Abbott) sits and watches the existing newly acquired company for about a year before making changes. Abbott may want a specific technology to bundle its existing products with or acquire a patent and will spin off the areas that are not profitable or unwanted (your new position). If you are making $200K, that is a great salary, and Abbott prefers to hire new younger employees with salary expectations of around $60-70K. Lately, they seem to be putting the pressure on high paying territory managers that have been underperforming which creates a ripple effect to everyone below to improve sales/growth within their markets. I would ride out your current position for as long as possible unless Abbott can offer you a contract matching your existing W10 for two or maybe 3 years. Ortho and Neuro are different industries so any non-compete clauses should not apply if you work the same vendors in your territory.