Microscopic fungi and spontaneous abortion


Use of glyphosate (Roundup® herbicide) is causing growth of pathogenic ultramicroscopic fungi. These 46 fungi are endophytic (living inside plant cell -- akin to HIV in T Cell) reported to be involved in spontaneous abortions in cattle (46%) which were fed wheatlage treated with glyphosate.

Article written bu Emeritus Prof from Purdue U Ag Dept.

image from research paper: mycorrhiza.ag.utk.edu/reviews/petersonetalminireviewcjb.pdf

This is in relation to the use of glyphosate-induced gene activation in crops such as alfaalfa, soybean, corn, and soon wheat and rice. Monsanto makes these GM crops.
Also USDA/FDA does not require GM labeling, whereas in Japan and EU it is mandatory.

Also, USDA lifted a ban on quarantine area to grow alfaalfa which means that, as has been oserved in China and India (where GM crops did not get introduced until late 1990s), the herbicide-resistant genes are showing up in local varieties of vegetables (e.g. squash, peanut, and legumes), suggesting cross-pollination.