Micromanagement in AZ


AZ managers micromanage like I have never seen before. If you aren’t physically in the office for 60% of time it is called a non compliance against attendance policy. If you spend a dime over the meal allowance on expenses you have to write a cheque with the difference. Utterly ridiculous

I think this is a good place to work but, we are all under paid compared to the industry. We are also a little micro-managed which is a cause of people leaving. Everything we do seems to be creating busy work and not accomplishing anything.

I think this is a good place to work but, we are all under paid compared to the industry. We are also a little micro-managed which is a cause of people leaving. Everything we do seems to be creating busy work and not accomplishing anything.
In the OBU, you are starting to see people leave slowly due to all the busy work we are being asked for. Last week I had a call everyday and couldn't see customers. Then I had to go rent a car because there aren't any chargers between my house and the account 3 hours away, that work. It's getting to be a hassle to work.