Micro Managed


So my boss texts me at 10:00am today informing me that she will be riding with me tomorrow. Really? I have only been here for 3 months, but I have never been micro managed like this in my life. Daily emails at the end of every day telling her what I did that day, in addition to Salesforce. I have a pretty packed day scheduled tomorrow, but I have never experienced this type of micromanagement in my life! I am thinking about updating my resume and sending it off again. This is unacceptable.


Ha. That sux. That has never happened to me either. This place is falling apart and management doesn't know what to do. I am assuming you are on the topical side. I have heard the nightmares. I heard theylet go of top reps. So be careful how you handle this.

So my boss texts me at 10:00am today informing me that she will be riding with me tomorrow. Really? I have only been here for 3 months, but I have never been micro managed like this in my life. Daily emails at the end of every day telling her what I did that day, in addition to Salesforce. I have a pretty packed day scheduled tomorrow, but I have never experienced this type of micromanagement in my life! I am thinking about updating my resume and sending it off again. This is unacceptable.

Ha.... Thats why I left that sh_thole. They claim to hire the "Best", but then don't trust you to cross the street. Unfortunately that is what is happening across the industry. These jobs used to be fun, creative, fulfilling, worthwhile but that is not the case any longer. Good luck with her..run her ass off and drop her back to hotel/car after 5:30-she may get the message, but I doubt it.

I left for the same reasons. Just send your resume out. Recruiters know how bad the micromanagement is in some divisions. It has to be the Vivite or Skinmedica division. They have their heads so far up their a$$es. They forgot what it means to be successful.

Late emails-check
Reports due in less than 24 hours- check
Car GPS- check
Phone GPS- check
Laptop GPS- check

What am I missing...???

Ohhh! Worthless conference calls where the RM cannot run a call or keep people on track, constant phone calls and texts messages. Do you have that group text feature? If you don't lucky you!

Expense Resume paper? As long as it is under $25....

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