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Michel, Michel! Où es-tu?


Michel, are you going to trouble yourself by addressing the employees of your plans? What are you going to tell the investors in May?

Why would I address you peasants? I’m filthy rich and remain unscathed because the wealthy take care of the wealthy. Oh, and we French despise Americans. Now please go and find another job so that we don’t have to pay you a severance.

It really is quite amazing how these idiots haven't really addressed the employees. The call with Deb was so unprofessional. She looks unprofessional and acts unprofessional. This whole situation is an embarrassment.
The facts are no HCP's want to see Biogen anymore and therefore no employees are needed, including her.

He literally is the worst CEO ever. The longer you don't properly address the ADU team, the worse it gets for the entire organization. Such bad feelings with all the practices and this certainly is affecting the MS dvisions as well.