Michael Moore in the house


Congratulations! Although Mr. Moore is not able to attend due to prior commitments a few members of his documentary team will be. Please smile when you see the cameras! You want lavish outrageous locations and hotels then you get what you deserve. Say cheese numb nut upper (lower pathetic) management.


Congratulations! Although Mr. Moore is not able to attend due to prior commitments a few members of his documentary team will be. Please smile when you see the cameras! You want lavish outrageous locations and hotels then you get what you deserve. Say cheese numb nut upper (lower pathetic) management.

My apologies that I was unable to attend, nor was any of my team. While the above poster is correct in saying we planned to attend, extenuating circumstances prevented that attendance. We in fact performed a group 'gang bang' on the above poster because he begged and pleaded so badly for our man junk. We gave it to him but good, he's probably still cleaning up his face. The film will be part of our next docudrama. Working title is 'Cum-ing Down on dickweed CP posers and haters'. Title is clearly a work in progress, we've sent the unedited version to his mom, she loves it! Asked us to bring the gang to her upcoming birthday and to hit her real hard, give her an old fashioned tea-bag, that kind of stuff. Should be fun and will let all know how it goes!