Miami-Dade Linvatec Territory


Could anyone shed some light on the Linvatec territory in Miami-Dade County? There are some job postings for the position but with all of the negativity regarding Linvatec on the message board, it is hard to get an accurate idea of whether or not the position is worth considering. I believe it would pertain to the Linvatec sports med line (scopes, cameras, etc.)

Could anyone shed some light on the Linvatec territory in Miami-Dade County? There are some job postings for the position but with all of the negativity regarding Linvatec on the message board, it is hard to get an accurate idea of whether or not the position is worth considering. I believe it would pertain to the Linvatec sports med line (scopes, cameras, etc.)

Don't do it!! You will be looking for a job in 90 days!!

I do speak spanish. I just wanted to find out if anyone knows any of the former reps and how they performed or how the territory performed. Thanks for the words of warning though...