MGMT Team Call


Word on the street is that many of the management calls have been about this forum and how to curb it. They've been checking glassdoor & indeed like crazy to help keep reviews positive.

If they have to ask the question about how to curb it, they are truly as stupid as we all think. They have ruined their sales force again. No one wants towork for these asses that I know. We all believe we have less than 90 days here. Most all are intwrviewing as we type and read these post.

Absolutely the worst management scheme I have ever seen...

No one cares anymore DVPS. Your great at your job.

This is the only real anonymous place to post. Glassdoor is not really anonymous. That is probably why the reviews are so over the top great on Glassdoor. Indeed is not 100% anonymous either. You have to be willing to put your name to it to write a true review.

Pretty simple how to curb it. Address the sales staff as professionals and take care of the issues. Remove Robert as the National Sales Director. He can be director of HC1. Promote one of the DVP's or bring someone in with experience as a sales director. Create a liaison position to communicate between the inside staff and outside sales. Calling your DVP for every single little thing, including health insurance is absurd. The liaison can meet with department heads once a day to address issues which happen in the field. Do not under any circumstances have the DVP's working on accounts. They can be managers or sales people. If they are better off as sales people more power to them. Sometimes managers make less in sales. That is how it goes. That is the give and take in order to move up in your career. Reward small achievements in new accounts so that representatives have a chance to grow. Give incentives for new business. Not just signing an account but when they send in their first sample.

They are concerned about their reviews? Are any of them concerned about the effect they have had on people's livelihood? Their families? We are not talking about working at the burger joint and getting fired. We are talking about professionals whose jobs are not easy to replace.