Metabolic IC Plan


Did any of the genius IC people realize that this plan is completely stupid? Hey, I have an idea, let's reward those reps who finally escaped the 30s in market share and went from 28% to 33% (a huge increase relative to the nation) but screw the top performers who go from 58%-60%, or 64%-65% (a small increase relative to the nation...)

There are people in my region who stand to make significant Androgel $$ (200%+)and have market share in the 30s!!!!! Freaking joke!

What, exactly, is the motivation to have high market share? All it does is make it harder to make any money now that the nation is finally growing a little bit! This company blows!

There is also a managed care problem because if United health and Caremark are big in your area it basically guarantees your on the bottom. This year was the worst year ever for my territory, but I have kept my market share positive on a plan I'm not on. That's selling, and for my effort I'm dead last but hey go from 30% to 38% and rollout the trumpets. But if your at 58% and keep it there in no rebate environment you get $0 Androgel dollars. I wish they put a managed care component in the comp plan.

You'll see a big switch for Q4. Qualifier of 79% Franchise Mix for payout. We've dug our FM out of a pit this year, but we're out in bumpkinville there's no way we're getting to 79% by end of year. Which equals 0$$

Same old story. Reward lowball players and skunk the real winners. Its called the Abbvie swaparoo on bonus strategy.

This will most likely be our LAST quarter anyway so if you got lucky on quota, enjoy.