Message to Wallstreet


Well-Known Member
Here's a little help for those that still dont understand why there are protesters on Wall Street.
This article is a great summary of not only the greed on Wall Street- but also all the illegal and corrupt activities of these big banks and Hedge funders.

Look at all the fine$$ these corrupt sh!theads had to pay:(facsinating that all the Republicans defend these as$hole$)

"The protesters are annoyed with JP Morgan because it, like its fellow institutions on the street, helped to bring the world economy to its knees through unprincipled and illegal actions. The Journal editorial board apparently missed the news carried in the Journal's own business pages that JP Morgan recently paid $153.6 million in fines for violating securities laws in the lead-up to the 2008 financial collapse. JP Morgan, like other Wall Street institutions, connived with hedge funds to peddle toxic assets to unsuspecting investors, allowing the hedge funds to make a killing at the expense of their "mark," and the world economy.

The protestors are not enamored of Mr. Paulson either, since he played this role together with Goldman Sachs. Paulson made a fortune by teaming up with Goldman to bundle failed mortgages, which Goldman then peddled to its customers, in this case some unsuspecting German banks. Paulson shorted these assets and thereby profited as the bank's investments collapsed. For this little maneuver, Goldman paid $560 million to the SEC in fines. Of course this is a small amount compared to the profits that Goldman reaped for years playing in toxic assets. On Wall Street, misbehavior pays, at least up until now.

Mr. Paulson actually made some extraordinary statements in the New York Times on Friday (hard even to believe the nonsensical quotations are correct, but there they are, in the paper of record). He too expressed befuddlement about the protests against his business dealings. Didn't the protestors know that he had created 100 high-paying jobs in NYC? 100?

What the protestors do know is that Mr. Paulson's success in shorting toxic assets bundled for gullible investors has netted him billions. In 2007, he reportedly took home $3.7 billion by betting against the U.S. mortgage market. And the protestors can also do their arithmetic. Paulson's take home pay was enough to cover not just 100 jobs at $50,000 per year but rather approximately 70,000 jobs at $50,000 per year. Nice try, Mr. Paulson, but the people in Liberty"

The goal on Wall St. is to make money with other people's money. Instead, they took other poeple's money, gave themselves huge bonuses, and created a financial meltdown. OWS recognize's that the financial industry is no longer the steward of our capital markets that it once was.

The goal on Wall St. is to make money with other people's money. Instead, they took other poeple's money, gave themselves huge bonuses, and created a financial meltdown. OWS recognize's that the financial industry is no longer the steward of our capital markets that it once was.

As opposed to the "protesters" that just want to take ours.

They have also made the rules with Judeo republican blessing to do all of this.

and now all those (republicans) denouncing the protesters as "the outer fringe" are starting to run scared, becuase the other 99% has finally caught on and had enough of being taken.

Watch the debate tonight. It should be loaded with lots of laughs. Newt might jump out in front of the pack with the ever fickle Judeo republican voter.

Yes, it is going to be great entertainment! I am always up for a great comedy. (Shouldn't Rush Limpballs be the moderator??;))

Here's a little help for those that still dont understand why there are protesters on Wall Street.
This article is a great summary of not only the greed on Wall Street- but also all the illegal and corrupt activities of these big banks and Hedge funders.

Look at all the fine$$ these corrupt sh!theads had to pay:(facsinating that all the Republicans defend these as$hole$)

"The protesters are annoyed with JP Morgan because it, like its fellow institutions on the street, helped to bring the world economy to its knees through unprincipled and illegal actions. The Journal editorial board apparently missed the news carried in the Journal's own business pages that JP Morgan recently paid $153.6 million in fines for violating securities laws in the lead-up to the 2008 financial collapse. JP Morgan, like other Wall Street institutions, connived with hedge funds to peddle toxic assets to unsuspecting investors, allowing the hedge funds to make a killing at the expense of their "mark," and the world economy.

The protestors are not enamored of Mr. Paulson either, since he played this role together with Goldman Sachs. Paulson made a fortune by teaming up with Goldman to bundle failed mortgages, which Goldman then peddled to its customers, in this case some unsuspecting German banks. Paulson shorted these assets and thereby profited as the bank's investments collapsed. For this little maneuver, Goldman paid $560 million to the SEC in fines. Of course this is a small amount compared to the profits that Goldman reaped for years playing in toxic assets. On Wall Street, misbehavior pays, at least up until now.

Mr. Paulson actually made some extraordinary statements in the New York Times on Friday (hard even to believe the nonsensical quotations are correct, but there they are, in the paper of record). He too expressed befuddlement about the protests against his business dealings. Didn't the protestors know that he had created 100 high-paying jobs in NYC? 100?

What the protestors do know is that Mr. Paulson's success in shorting toxic assets bundled for gullible investors has netted him billions. In 2007, he reportedly took home $3.7 billion by betting against the U.S. mortgage market. And the protestors can also do their arithmetic. Paulson's take home pay was enough to cover not just 100 jobs at $50,000 per year but rather approximately 70,000 jobs at $50,000 per year. Nice try, Mr. Paulson, but the people in Liberty"

You say what they did was illegal so why hasn't Odummyfuckers Attorney General prosecuted anyone? Oh yeah he is busy killing border agents with his drug running scheme.

Maybe you and your Flea Baggers could take time out of sniffing glue and do a quick search and you would see that your boy Odummyfucker took more money from Wall St than any other Presidential candidate in history.

Just sayin.

Now run along. The polls don't look good for the Flea Baggers and this is all going to backfire on Odummyfucker if he associates himself with these losers.

Now why haven't any of you liberal CP retreads gotten off of your lazy asses and joined them?

You say what they did was illegal so why hasn't Odummyfuckers Attorney General prosecuted anyone? Oh yeah he is busy killing border agents with his drug running scheme.

Maybe you and your Flea Baggers could take time out of sniffing glue and do a quick search and you would see that your boy Odummyfucker took more money from Wall St than any other Presidential candidate in history.

Just sayin.

Now run along. The polls don't look good for the Flea Baggers and this is all going to backfire on Odummyfucker if he associates himself with these losers.

Now why haven't any of you liberal CP retreads gotten off of your lazy asses and joined them?

I can see that you are still pissed that Romney is going to win the nomination and lose to President Obama.

I can see that you are still pissed that Romney is going to win the nomination and lose to President Obama.

I see you can't deal with the facts so as usual you try to obfuscate. I have been clear. If it is Willard, I will not vote.

The libs want Willard because he is the easiest to beat. If the GOP establishment wants to play second fiddle, that is fine with me. I just won't be a part of it.

You see, unlike you I put principle above party:D

I see you can't deal with the facts so as usual you try to obfuscate. I have been clear. If it is Willard, I will not vote.

The libs want Willard because he is the easiest to beat. If the GOP establishment wants to play second fiddle, that is fine with me. I just won't be a part of it.

You see, unlike you I put principle above party:D

Yet another post to file in the 'Fiction Section' here on the Poli Board.

You say what they did was illegal so why hasn't Odummyfuckers Attorney General prosecuted anyone? " JP Morgan recently paid $153.6 million in fines for violating securities laws in the lead-up to the 2008 financial collapse. JP Morgan, like other Wall Street institutions, connived with hedge funds to peddle toxic assets to investors.," Oh yeah he is busy killing border agents with his drug running scheme.

Maybe you and your Flea Baggers could take time out of sniffing glue and do a quick search and you would see that your boy Odummyfucker took more money from Wall St than any other Presidential candidate in history.

Just sayin.

Now run along. The polls don't look good for the Flea Baggers and this is all going to backfire on Odummyfucker if he associates himself with these losers.

Now why haven't any of you liberal CP retreads gotten off of your lazy asses and joined them?

Are you really this dumb? And do you even bother to READ the link, or just come on here and spew hate?
In the link it clearly states how the Major fu*k up banks had to pay $million$
in fines for violating SEC laws. How much clearer does the govt have to be that what they all did was illegal?
But yes, go ahead and defend the criminals, they are bought and paid for by your party.

Are you really this dumb? And do you even bother to READ the link, or just come on here and spew hate?
In the link it clearly states how the Major fu*k up banks had to pay $million$
in fines for violating SEC laws. How much clearer does the govt have to be that what they all did was illegal?
But yes, go ahead and defend the criminals, they are bought and paid for by your party.

Hey Twinklebelle, if they paid fine then what are you Flea Baggers bitching about other than having someone else pay for your $5500 Mac?

Th demalquedacrats ran Congress for four years and did nothing. They had total contro, for two years and did nothihng.

Owebama took more money from Wall St than anyone else so tell me again who is bought and paid for?

President Thomas Jefferson: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

President Thomas Jefferson: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Thomas Jefferson was right. He fought against the 1st Bank of the United States but Alexander Hamilton won. Congress refused to renew it's charter under Pres Madison and it died. Madison eventually brought it back as the 2nd Bank of the U.S.

Pres Andrew Jackson (from the great state of Tennessee) hated the central bank and eventually broke it. He damn near took the country down doing it but he was successful. Interestingly enough he is the only pres in history to pay off the Federal debt.

The 3rd Bank of the U.S. which is the Federal Reserve came under Woodrow Wilson, who was a Democrat and a whack job. There's where the problems started. The protestors are in the wrong city.

OR-- do they just want THEIR money back?

What money?????

Do you mean all of the student loan money they haven't paid back yet?

Do you mean all of the money they have paid in income taxes?

Do you mean all of the money they have paid into unemployment insurance?

Do you mean all of the money they have spent on health care?

Suppose God snapped his/her fingers and all of the money on Wall Street suddenly materialized in the hands of the demonstrators?

So once again, I ask what money?????
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What money?????

Do you mean all of the student loan money they haven't paid back yet?

Do you mean all of the money they have paid in income taxes?

Do you mean all of the money they have paid into unemployment insurance?

Do you mean all of the money they have spent on health care?

Suppose God snapped his/her fingers and all of the money on Wall Street suddenly materialized in the hands of the demonstrators?

So once again, I ask what money?????

Huggy/Mojo don't like to be schooled. You will be waiting until he'll freezes over for an answer.

What money?????

Do you mean all of the student loan money they haven't paid back yet?

Do you mean all of the money they have paid in income taxes?

Do you mean all of the money they have paid into unemployment insurance?

Do you mean all of the money they have spent on health care?

Suppose God snapped his/her fingers and all of the money on Wall Street suddenly materialized in the hands of the demonstrators?

So once again, I ask what money?????

No, No, No, No, no-- your questions are not even on topic becuase you refuse to listen to why the OWS is protesting in the first place.

The $$$ that the Crooks on Wall Street Stole from the American People--Duhhh.
Oh, and here is how they did it:
Banks took TARP-- finanaced by TAXPAYERS, yet they bonu$ed their execs- with TAXPAYER $$ no less-- million$$$$$.
Wall Street, Dow Jones is nothing but a gambling Casino rigged by the banks and Top 1% elites-- causing the DOw to plummet to where the bottom 99% lost most of their retirements in --201KK's-- yet the TOP 1% made out like the BANDITS that they are by SHORTING all the stocks-- ie-Paulson.
Etc etc-- need I go on.