message to upper management


There are many places right now in the country that Coronavirus is rampant and still getting worse. Please management, let us work virtually for the next month until things begin to slow down again. It is so much worse than in March when you allowed us to work from home. Many of us are fearful to be going in these offices when we know there are asymptomatic people out there that are carrying the virus. Also, let's do our part to help with the Healthcare burden right now by keeping us working from home and staying safe. Please hear our pleas... managers are still telling us to go out in the field... please do the right thing.

Yes agree there has been zero communication from anyone at any level . Maybe it will take a death unfortunately to someone close for them to wake up . We all need to work but be safe at same time . Ca . Az . Florida all at record highs and our doctors question why we are out here acting like it’s business as usual .

And Utah. Lets do the right thing management. Reduce your Kowa family risk and stop pressuring us DMs to make “live” calls. We are risking our lives as well as family and doctors.

There are many places right now in the country that Coronavirus is rampant and still getting worse. Please management, let us work virtually for the next month until things begin to slow down again. It is so much worse than in March when you allowed us to work from home. Many of us are fearful to be going in these offices when we know there are asymptomatic people out there that are carrying the virus. Also, let's do our part to help with the Healthcare burden right now by keeping us working from home and staying safe. Please hear our pleas... managers are still telling us to go out in the field... please do the right thing.

I agree with this. Many of the docs I see have expressed that I shouldnt be coming around right now. I’m very thankful to have my job and I wouldnt want to be making the hard decisions in Montgomery.

If you really think Montgomery gives a shit about us you're an IDIOT! Bottom line is dollars. That is what senior management is evaluated, it's a business not a charity organization. Remember that document you signed, "Reps Expectations" which included you are expected to call on 8 providers and 3 pharmacies, they will use this when ever they want to let you go with out hesitation. Only the reps with no previous Pharma experience will believe that Montgomery cares about. The decisions are taken in Japan!! Wake up!!!!!

Confident going into offices? WTF ‘are you talking about? All the CARES Act does is pay 80 hours if we get COVID....and you will lose a big part, if not all of your commission for that month.

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