Message to SSLT & SET


I just want to thank you for instilling the culture you have been working so hard to achieve over the last few years. Those that brown nose and kiss the almighty derrière are doing it only to stay in your good graces. Everyone realizes we mean nothing to you. Your empty words and false smiles are more transparent now than ever before. We will perform at a level that keeps us safe. Nothing more.

So kudos to you. Your actions will allow AZ to stay in a realm known as mediocrity. Oh, and if you continue to leave territories half staffed or no one at all, we can be assured to be looking up at mediocrity. Happy Holidays.


I just want to thank you for instilling the culture you have been working so hard to achieve over the last few years. Those that brown nose and kiss the almighty derrière are doing it only to stay in your good graces. Everyone realizes we mean nothing to you. Your empty words and false smiles are more transparent now than ever before. We will perform at a level that keeps us safe. Nothing more.

So kudos to you. Your actions will allow AZ to stay in a realm known as mediocrity. Oh, and if you continue to leave territories half staffed or no one at all, we can be assured to be looking up at mediocrity. Happy Holidays.

Couldn’t agree more. The message they’ve sent over the years here is perform well and be punished. Do well one year and odds are you’ll be at the bottom the next. Just look at the coe reports!! They are conditioning their Sales people to strive for mediocrity

Couldn’t agree more. The message they’ve sent over the years here is perform well and be punished. Do well one year and odds are you’ll be at the bottom the next. Just look at the coe reports!! They are conditioning their Sales people to strive for mediocrity

It has been well known for years that the way to survive at AZ is to remain in the shadows and never ever draw attention to yourself. If you do something incredible at a meeting then the sharks will come after you to destroy your reputation and chances for a promotion. The sharks are those with their nose up leadership's ass and they don't want any company.
Your peers will never support you and those above you will see you as a threat and do everything they can to marginalize you. It is AZ politics at play. To remain a long term rep you need to blend in, do enough to stay out of trouble, collect your paycheck and enjoy your time away from this miserable company.

It has been well known for years that the way to survive at AZ is to remain in the shadows and never ever draw attention to yourself. If you do something incredible at a meeting then the sharks will come after you to destroy your reputation and chances for a promotion. The sharks are those with their nose up leadership's ass and they don't want any company.
Your peers will never support you and those above you will see you as a threat and do everything they can to marginalize you. It is AZ politics at play. To remain a long term rep you need to blend in, do enough to stay out of trouble, collect your paycheck and enjoy your time away from this miserable company.

This is so true. I’ve been here for 32 years doing just what I have to do to stay alive. The last 18 years have been a real challenge DSM’s are a joke, babysitters at best. CBD’s seem more and more selfish. I’ll just ride it out knowing that my time to leave is soon. Good luck to all