Message to Mgt: Run this company like a real Biotech - not BIG Pharma


I know that we are not a TRUE biotech but we should try and emulate the culture at Celgene or the old Genentech. We have made some steps in the right direction but have a long way to go. We partner with two great companies and I'd be willing to bet that many of us wish we were working with them. We can fix that and make Astellas the best.


They need to read this and can do it.....Be the company that everyone wants to work FOR not depart FROM. This will have to occur at all levels.....get rid of those that can't deal with change and or are old fashioned foggies from the old pharma days....

I know that we are not a TRUE biotech but we should try and emulate the culture at Celgene or the old Genentech. We have made some steps in the right direction but have a long way to go. We partner with two great companies and I'd be willing to bet that many of us wish we were working with them. We can fix that and make Astellas the best.

You missed your window. Reasonable leadership left after the merger. Full on big Pharma since '06. (Bob Altman if you ever see suck)

As a member of GC 2.0, I can't begin to tell you how f'd up this organization is. I joined this "dream team" hoping to get my RSM off my back and discovered that senior management has no clue how bad things are in the field! These guys are so far detached from our customers and real challenges we face, it's amazing. Even more disappointing, they could care less!! Seems like as long as we (volunteers) try and fix things then management can sit back and watch. I never dreamed a company could be this far out of wack! To make matters even worse, the TBO/GC concept is run by a consulting team at Kotter! So not only are we doing the work senior management should be doing, but we're paying a consultant $$$ to manage us...priceless!

What company do you work for? Get real dip-shit...we sell medication to help patients stop wetting their pants! We completely screwed up the launch of Sumavel Dose Pro and Vibativ! but wait, we also bring you Asstagraf-XL that offers no benefit over generic Prograf ...Biotech?.?

Right on! You are crazy if you think Astellas is even close to a biotech. We have no R&D or clinical programs, and we provide deep $$$ discounts for me-too drugs to gain access. We are also good at screwing patients with high WAC prices like Protopic for $250 a tube!

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