Message to HR and Leaders


Please please QUIT hiring people! We have way way too many of us in the field and are tripping over each other. We literally DO NOT work more than 1-2 hours per day and fake over 80 percent of our calls. Is this what you guys want and what will move market share????

Please please QUIT hiring people! We have way way too many of us in the field and are tripping over each other. We literally DO NOT work more than 1-2 hours per day and fake over 80 percent of our calls. Is this what you guys want and what will move market share????

I quit. Really. I have nothing lined up but could literally not stand this place even one more minute. What a GIANT Cluster Fuck. Funny, I cannot steal from a company. It makes me physically and mentally sick. I have to BE and FEEL productive and valued. In CV Specialty, this was a big ZERO!

I have a message too. Working at AZ is a waste of time. Go elsewhere. Anywhere will treat you better than AZ. No morals and HR people that cover serious complaints. Run.

AZ is a GREAT place to work! Don't listen to these complainers! I haven't worked a full 40 hour week in the field in over 10 years, and it's been great! Guys, we all know there are way too many of us in the field, and one day AZ may figure it out, so enjoy it all while you can.

AZ is a GREAT place to work! Don't listen to these complainers! I haven't worked a full 40 hour week in the field in over 10 years, and it's been great! Guys, we all know there are way too many of us in the field, and one day AZ may figure it out, so enjoy it all while you can.

You said "we" again. Funny.

AZ is a GREAT place to work! Don't listen to these complainers! I haven't worked a full 40 hour week in the field in over 10 years, and it's been great! Guys, we all know there are way too many of us in the field, and one day AZ may figure it out, so enjoy it all while you can.

You're sick, you slimy POS

HR and Leaders,

I know you guys go through these boards regularly. I know. I have done a couple of HQ rotations. How can you go on LYING to our shareholders? Over 90 percent of reps DO NOT work full time. A lot would stop if you take my advice and trim the fat. 80 percent at least. Pleeeease stop lying to shareholders. It will eventually catch up to you. Lay off 80 percent of sales force and watch profits per rep soar. What you do now of hiring as soon as there is a vacancy and ignoring comments on the AZ board about num nuts not working and bragging about it is not only unethical but downright criminal. Do the right thing!!!

Like Gordon Gecko famously said, it's all about bucks, and what you don't get is that even an "unproductive" rep is profitable. Imagine selling little grains of sand on the beach for $5.00 each, and you're the only one with a license to sell them, with the only (well one of many) catch being that you've got a limited time before the beach gateway door swings open and plenty of other people can sell at a lower price.

Don't you think you'd want to sell as many as you can? The way you do that is hire people to get doctors prescribing the grains of sand to the public before the clock ticks the patent life away.

HR and Leaders,

I know you guys go through these boards regularly. I know. I have done a couple of HQ rotations. How can you go on LYING to our shareholders? Over 90 percent of reps DO NOT work full time. A lot would stop if you take my advice and trim the fat. 80 percent at least. Pleeeease stop lying to shareholders. It will eventually catch up to you. Lay off 80 percent of sales force and watch profits per rep soar. What you do now of hiring as soon as there is a vacancy and ignoring comments on the AZ board about num nuts not working and bragging about it is not only unethical but downright criminal. Do the right thing!!!

Won't happen. Yes, senior people know this is all bullshit. I'm one of them and yes we do read CP. It's wider than what you do or don't do. It's about things like the message it gives to the market if we suddenly lay off all our field force. What will the analysts say? Will people dump even more stock? And all the other companies are doing the same thing. It's like the Emperor's new clothes, you know the story? No one wants to admit they're buck naked. And in terms of layoffs, it's like putting a gun down when everyone else is carrying. You might be bluffing and have nothing in your holster, but you keep going until the Calvary arrives. Which might be the next blockbuster or a buyout or an acquisition or whatever, who knows. But the games you play are the same we play in home office just on a bigger scale. But you're the one who decides if you can live like this. As in faking calls and whatever. Yes, it was bad decisions by leadership and you may be trapped by age or years of service or pension, I know, I'm one of them. Find a happy place. Some day or other we all have to.

HR and Leaders,

I know you guys go through these boards regularly. I know. I have done a couple of HQ rotations. How can you go on LYING to our shareholders? Over 90 percent of reps DO NOT work full time. A lot would stop if you take my advice and trim the fat. 80 percent at least. Pleeeease stop lying to shareholders. It will eventually catch up to you. Lay off 80 percent of sales force and watch profits per rep soar. What you do now of hiring as soon as there is a vacancy and ignoring comments on the AZ board about num nuts not working and bragging about it is not only unethical but downright criminal. Do the right thing!!!

I agree that num nuts bragging about not working is unethical, but you have to understand that most of us WANT to make the appropriate number of calls. The lying part comes in when people cannot make the calls targeted. Most DO NOT like lying, but do so to keep their jobs. At least the braggarts tell the truth that most would prefer to hide.

Certainly HQ must realize what goes on, but chooses to throw more reps into the fray figuring something has to stick to the walls. That or they just numbly follow what the consultants tell them. For years the reps THEMSELVES have said DO NOT hire more people in the field. HQ has always justified it.

Won't happen. Yes, senior people know this is all bullshit. I'm one of them and yes we do read CP. It's wider than what you do or don't do. It's about things like the message it gives to the market if we suddenly lay off all our field force. What will the analysts say? Will people dump even more stock? And all the other companies are doing the same thing. It's like the Emperor's new clothes, you know the story? No one wants to admit they're buck naked. And in terms of layoffs, it's like putting a gun down when everyone else is carrying. You might be bluffing and have nothing in your holster, but you keep going until the Calvary arrives. Which might be the next blockbuster or a buyout or an acquisition or whatever, who knows. But the games you play are the same we play in home office just on a bigger scale. But you're the one who decides if you can live like this. As in faking calls and whatever. Yes, it was bad decisions by leadership and you may be trapped by age or years of service or pension, I know, I'm one of them. Find a happy place. Some day or other we all have to.

You sir, of all people should know better. I'm a mid level manager and have plenty of shares. What happens when companies in the industry lay off? Stocks go up! Simple economics. Why the heck do you say it won't? Of all people you should know better!!!

Like Gordon Gecko famously said, it's all about bucks, and what you don't get is that even an "unproductive" rep is profitable. Imagine selling little grains of sand on the beach for $5.00 each, and you're the only one with a license to sell them, with the only (well one of many) catch being that you've got a limited time before the beach gateway door swings open and plenty of other people can sell at a lower price.

Don't you think you'd want to sell as many as you can? The way you do that is hire people to get doctors prescribing the grains of sand to the public before the clock ticks the patent life away.

The UTTER IDIOCY of AZ reps never ceases to amaze me! Have we as a company just scraped the bottom of the barrel of reps? The r*****s and losers nobody else wanted? Let me use your analogy and rephrase it back to you so you may understand. I won't even discuss beginning terms in business freshmen courses like Net sales, Profit margin, Cost of Acquisition, Average Revenue across Lifetime of Customer etc. Even these simple terms that any C student at any business school can describe would be beyond you.

Well, you cannot take a fare fetched hypothetical statement and apply it to a what is pretty much common reality. I agree that any time there is a layoff or a merger, stocks go up. If fact, there are many a needless merger or acquisition just to inflate the stock price for a few months or even a few years. People get downsized and lose their homes, the stock holders make money and the elite executive teams make milions - no they do not share and they do not return the money to the middleclass. We die. They get wealthier. The rest is just shuffling chairs on the Titannic.

The UTTER IDIOCY of AZ reps never ceases to amaze me! Have we as a company just scraped the bottom of the barrel of reps? The r*****s and losers nobody else wanted? Let me use your analogy and rephrase it back to you so you may understand. I won't even discuss beginning terms in business freshmen courses like Net sales, Profit margin, Cost of Acquisition, Average Revenue across Lifetime of Customer etc. Even these simple terms that any C student at any business school can describe would be beyond you.

Unfortunately yes. I am now in middle management and there used to be a time when our reps were middle of the pack. Never the brightest but not the dullest either. I hate to admit it but if you are still employed at AZ as a Primary Care rep you truly are bottom of the heap