Message to all reps under plan


Two area directors went on medical leave meaning that there is two positions about to open up. Since SM loves under achievers because he is one, I would get ready to start interviewing. Here are some tips in te interview process.

1. Brag about never hitting plan (SM hires guys that never hit plan)
2. Stab all your friends in the back to get the position (SM did)
3. Make sure that you state that you would be very happy making under $150,000
4. Most importantly, tell SM that you would be willing to do all of his speeches since he has a hard time breathing when he talks.

Congrats to the two AD's that get to milk Conmed for the next 6 months while they are out interviewing for a better one.

Anyone know what happened to ZD? It doesn't make any since why he would go on medical leave as he was just promoted. I will say this, ZD is a huge loss to the organization, I hope everything is alright with him and the fam.

80% of ES reps on probation because they couldn't sell millions of dollars of Altrus last year. Most of these people were just trained a year ago so what does that tell you about this product? This division has so much turnover how do they expect to sell anything when their reps have no time to build relatiohships with the Doc's? Answer that one Sean??

Listen up reps under plan, JD in the south is leaving (who didn't see that one coming). So if you are under plan and have never really done crap, submit your resume and that schmuck SM will make you manager. Good luck trying to manage the worst territory in the company!

Lol, what did SM expect, he hired a rep that had never made plan before. SM is a joke, and so was JD. Now the south is in such a bad position that there is no manager that can fix it.

You guys need to leave ConMed ES soon. It's a C company that everyone uses to get into med sales and then leaves. Ask any rep that put in 2 years then left. Live the good life and go work for a real company.