Message from Mr Pfizer - listen up AZZ!!!


For a long time you have been used to screwing little things. Well guess what? Your pretty AZZ is in da big house. You feel me? So, we can do this the easy way, or the hardway. The choice, is yours! Regardless you will feel my 9 inches up your AZZ and after I am done deflowering your cherry AZZ I will come in you. Then I will pull your hair and make you look at me. Then I will turn you around and make you suck me clean. You feel me? You is my Biatch!!!!!


nice....It's funny how the Big Pfizer boy talks smack when they haven't had their own major brand since what? Norvasc? Procardia Xl, maybe Viagra (oops, found out by accident). Once you get your money from AZ products, you will once again be a dying company.

You are a sick fu€k

That's right little man, and you is my punk now. You in the BIG HOUSE now. I will come in your AZZ so many times. I will make you suck me dry until your mouth gets dry. I will come on your face and inside your mouth too. You are my punk and will do what I want. You are in my house, and this is big bubba Pfizer's house!

This is much bigger than two companies wanting to merge. If it happens, I am going to turn into the biggest, loudest activist you have ever seen in your life. Pfizer will be known for the dirty corrupt company that it has always been and business practices like this will be seen for their real purpose - that of only making a handful rich while creating more poverty and hardship for society in general. Pfizer is Satan. They might as well be Monsanto.

History repeating itself? Buy, Buy, Buy.....let go "their" sales forces because ours are so great. Now they are in a pickle once again. Maybe Pfizer should finally learn. Shit can their sales force and bring one on that is getting it done.

Here is how this works: BMS took over DuPont and only kept a handful of really pissed off employees after seeing our company dismantled. How did that work out for BMS? It did not. That handful of pissed off employees ruined the company culture and brought BMS down. AZ and Pfizer are NOT a good match. You can bet that even if a few get rich, Pfizer will end up just like BMS after DuPont or Merck after Schering. It would be nice to see our Government step in to fine Pfizer for this bullshit move.

What do YOU call it when a handful of very wealthy make business moves that ONLY make the wealthy wealthier while creating less innovation, hurting employment and hurting the employees that made them wealthy? It is a form of tyranny. You can see it in many other cultures that have gone belly up as well as in the "new" way of conduct by American employers. It is the reason for OUR failure and why their is no longer any loyalty felt by employees toward their employers. We are expendable garbage to them. I could go on, but you need to read up on history and society and get your head out of the ass of corruption where YOU believe that if a company's stock goes up that means it is doing well.

For a long time you have been used to screwing little things. Well guess what? Your pretty AZZ is in da big house. You feel me? So, we can do this the easy way, or the hardway. The choice, is yours! Regardless you will feel my 9 inches up your AZZ and after I am done deflowering your cherry AZZ I will come in you. Then I will pull your hair and make you look at me. Then I will turn you around and make you suck me clean. You feel me? You is my Biatch!!!!!

THIS highlights the differense between sales staff and R&D staff. Thanks for making the point. You should go on CNBC with this.

This is much bigger than two companies wanting to merge. If it happens, I am going to turn into the biggest, loudest activist you have ever seen in your life. Pfizer will be known for the dirty corrupt company that it has always been and business practices like this will be seen for their real purpose - that of only making a handful rich while creating more poverty and hardship for society in general. Pfizer is Satan. They might as well be Monsanto.

This is no merger of equals like Astra and Zeneca. Nor is it two companies "wanting to merge." This is ONE company "taking over" another, gutting to get what it wants, tossing out the rest, and remaining a single entity.