Merry Christmas Mr. Naito but what about OB?


When will the real Christmas come to Eisai? When will we have a new leader in charge here who knows how to lead? When will you give OB a package so he could no longer destroy this place? How low do you need to go before you realize how unhappy we are in Eisai? Do you care at all about the well being of your people here in the USA? This place is a total mess. There is a campaign of fear and intimidation waged by OB against the sales force and he is making you look bad. This place needs to be changed. We need people with integrity and credibility in charge. The current management is stuck in stupid.


When will the real Christmas come to Eisai? When will we have a new leader in charge here who knows how to lead? When will you give OB a package so he could no longer destroy this place? How low do you need to go before you realize how unhappy we are in Eisai? Do you care at all about the well being of your people here in the USA? This place is a total mess. There is a campaign of fear and intimidation waged by OB against the sales force and he is making you look bad. This place needs to be changed. We need people with integrity and credibility in charge. The current management is stuck in stupid.

And why do you stay? I think you may be the one stuck in stupid.

When will the real Christmas come to Eisai? When will we have a new leader in charge here who knows how to lead? When will you give OB a package so he could no longer destroy this place? How low do you need to go before you realize how unhappy we are in Eisai? Do you care at all about the well being of your people here in the USA? This place is a total mess. There is a campaign of fear and intimidation waged by OB against the sales force and he is making you look bad. This place needs to be changed. We need people with integrity and credibility in charge. The current management is stuck in stupid.

Truer words were never spoken.

actually, very untrue words. Reps need to move on and realize they're jobs are useless. Find another career.

You can always tell when the management is getting frustrted and desparate. In Eisai, where the management does it's best to obliterate critical news, cafepharma is helping the reps. Looking at the mess that was caused by the management, OB now blames the reps for following his disterous instructions!

You can always tell when the management is getting frustrted and desparate. In Eisai, where the management does it's best to obliterate critical news, cafepharma is helping the reps. Looking at the mess that was caused by the management, OB now blames the reps for following his disterous instructions!

You still don't get it. It doesn't matter if you think OB is responsible or you think OB writes on cafe pharma blaming the reps. The reality is pharma sales jobs are a joke. Move on to a real career. If you can't because you lack initiative, brains, or you're just plain lazy, then continue to vent on cafe pharma about OB, Naito, your DM, blah blah blah. In the end, I think you all realize the joke is on you.

When will the real Christmas come to Eisai? When will we have a new leader in charge here who knows how to lead? When will you give OB a package so he could no longer destroy this place? How low do you need to go before you realize how unhappy we are in Eisai? Do you care at all about the well being of your people here in the USA? This place is a total mess. There is a campaign of fear and intimidation waged by OB against the sales force and he is making you look bad. This place needs to be changed. We need people with integrity and credibility in charge. The current management is stuck in stupid.

Hmmmmm...sounds eerily similar to our congress and government.

You still don't get it. It doesn't matter if you think OB is responsible or you think OB writes on cafe pharma blaming the reps. The reality is pharma sales jobs are a joke. Move on to a real career. If you can't because you lack initiative, brains, or you're just plain lazy, then continue to vent on cafe pharma about OB, Naito, your DM, blah blah blah. In the end, I think you all realize the joke is on you.

It is obvious that these posts are making OB very nervous.

Just take the checks as long as they're coming. Polish the resume, and network.

Eisai may suck more than others, but in the end you (and I) are just a commodity. Managment can say people are the most important asset, but that's only until the business plan doesn't need you / your skills.

It won't be different anywhere else. It's more galling at Eisai because the leadership is so weak, you can't help but see that you could do as well as those buffoons do at reacting to the business.

You still don't get it. It doesn't matter if you think OB is responsible or you think OB writes on cafe pharma blaming the reps. The reality is pharma sales jobs are a joke. Move on to a real career. If you can't because you lack initiative, brains, or you're just plain lazy, then continue to vent on cafe pharma about OB, Naito, your DM, blah blah blah. In the end, I think you all realize the joke is on you.

If you are not a rep, then why are you on our board??? Get a life you tard!

Mr. Naito,

I trusted OB for years and he turned out to be exactly what his detractors were saying all these years. Now, I don't respect him as a manager and more importantly as a man. I know many things about him. I cannot post many of them online because they will cause damage to many others. I may write you a letter instead and mail it to you.

Mr. Naito,

I trusted OB for years and he turned out to be exactly what his detractors were saying all these years. Now, I don't respect him as a manager and more importantly as a man. I know many things about him. I cannot post many of them online because they will cause damage to many others. I may write you a letter instead and mail it to you.

Others have contacted him directly on different issues that U.S. was forced to resolve. You better be sure you can, without any doubt, back up your claims. Go for it if you have the balls and the truth!

The whole place is a sinking ship. People hate this rat’s hole. The only people that like this place are OB and his damn cronies who act like his spies. 5% happy, 95% very very unhappy. This is the story of Eisai’s sales force. People are fed up. People are angry. I am told that even DMs and RSDs are unhappy but they stay quiet because otherwise they’ll get the pink slip. The cancer is OB.

The whole place is a sinking ship. People hate this rat’s hole. The only people that like this place are OB and his damn cronies who act like his spies. 5% happy, 95% very very unhappy. This is the story of Eisai’s sales force. People are fed up. People are angry. I am told that even DMs and RSDs are unhappy but they stay quiet because otherwise they’ll get the pink slip. The cancer is OB.

you give OB too much credit. he's not the cancer, the entire sales force is the cancer.

you give OB too much credit. he's not the cancer, the entire sales force is the cancer.

No OB, I am not giving you any credit! The mess is a direct result of your directions and instructions. The entire sales force is not a cancer, it is only you. The sales force follows your instructions and your instructions suck. Act like a leader and take the blame for the mess you created.

When will the real Christmas come to Eisai? When will we have a new leader in charge here who knows how to lead? When will you give OB a package so he could no longer destroy this place? How low do you need to go before you realize how unhappy we are in Eisai? Do you care at all about the well being of your people here in the USA? This place is a total mess. There is a campaign of fear and intimidation waged by OB against the sales force and he is making you look bad. This place needs to be changed. We need people with integrity and credibility in charge. The current management is stuck in stupid.

Naito here. OB is doing what I asked in the Halabusa plan. Don't worry, we will give him a management coloring book for Christmas. He will continue with the rain of terror in 2012.

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