Merit Increases

Depends where you are in. Every country has a different merit increase percentage adjusted to that country's inflation rate.
Thats BS. When inflation was 8% raises were 3-4%. Thats all you’ll get unless your exceeds/exceeds. Then 5-6%. If you want a big raise, you need to go to another company.

Thats BS. When inflation was 8% raises were 3-4%. Thats all you’ll get unless your exceeds/exceeds. Then 5-6%. If you want a big raise, you need to go to another company.
It's not entirely accurate. When inflation was at 8%, there was a mid-year increase of about 2.5-3% for employees at level 26 and below. I don't remember the exact percentage, and I'm unsure whether the mid-year bump applied globally or was specific to U.S.-based employees. The merit increase does vary by country.

I was a M2, when under a great manager I got decent pay awards around 4.4% for exceeds / exceeds plus 22% Bonus and around 21% in LTIs. When under a poor leader for fully meets / exceeds, I got about 2.8% and 15% bonus, no LTIs.

I was a M2, when under a great manager I got decent pay awards around 4.4% for exceeds / exceeds plus 22% Bonus and around 21% in LTIs. When under a poor leader for fully meets / exceeds, I got about 2.8% and 15% bonus, no LTIs.
It doesn't matter if your manager is great or not. There are budgets per team which need to allocated. A "great" manager cannot give more to the teams... you have a strange definition of "great" and "poor" managers...

It doesn't matter if your manager is great or not. There are budgets per team which need to allocated. A "great" manager cannot give more to the teams... you have a strange definition of "great" and "poor" managers...
100% this! With a strong/strong a good manager will get you a 3.0% increase and a great manager will get you a 3.1% increase. Big f'ing deal. J&J merit increases historically have been sub-par. Lucky if they cover inflation, unless you have CEO in your title.

What is the average merit increase this year if you are a strong/moderate? My manager isn’t very transparent, nobody likes her or trusts her.
If you have a moderate rating for anything, it's time to look for a new job. Getting moderate in any category means your management team doesn't want you around anymore.

If you have a moderate rating for anything, it's time to look for a new job. Getting moderate in any category means your management team doesn't want you around anymore.
That’s the problem with subjective ratings like the year end evaluations at J&J. They are weaponized by bad managers. J&J has an abundance of bad managers so the year end evaluation process is always messy as a result.

Thats BS. When inflation was 8% raises were 3-4%. Thats all you’ll get unless your exceeds/exceeds. Then 5-6%. If you want a big raise, you need to go to another company.

That does not mean what I said was BS. You are using ONE country's inflation to conflate over the others and that is so wrong! You need to remember that US isn't the only country in this world. Merit increase percentages are calculated differently by each country.

That does not mean what I said was BS. You are using ONE country's inflation to conflate over the others and that is so wrong! You need to remember that US isn't the only country in this world. Merit increase percentages are calculated differently by each country.
Yes but the US is the biggest and most important country in the world. EU is just taking crumbs the the US table.

If you have a moderate rating for anything, it's time to look for a new job. Getting moderate in any category means your management team doesn't want you around anymore.
Sounds like you are justifying the bullying a lot of managers engage in. Are you one of those managers? If so you how many careers of direct reports have you damaged because they disagreed with you or you just didn’t like them? This is the reason J&J can’t compete anymore.

Sounds like you are justifying the bullying a lot of managers engage in. Are you one of those managers? If so you how many careers of direct reports have you damaged because they disagreed with you or you just didn’t like them? This is the reason J&J can’t compete anymore.
Nope, not a manager. I was a direct report whose career was damaged by a bully manager.

If your management doesn't like you, why would you continue to work there and not look for a new job elsewhere?