Just thought I'd say what everyone's thinking.
I left FD to come here. BIG MISTAKE
Why do you say that? I'd seriously like to know....especially after referencing FD
YOUR SW FLA REP SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey. My local Merial rep has a "techno gift" and figured out a way to pull her company issued GPS tracking unit out of her vehicle and hide it on the exterior of a specific local vet blood lab pick up vehicle. It basically mimics her call route a couple of days a week. That's right..., even down to the required "call time." Now instead of sitting out in the clinic parking lot and turning her car on and off she let's the blood lab truck do the dirty work for her. At the end of the "slacker" day she simple stops off at the blood lab, grabs the GPS chip and away she goes.
Is that awesome or what?
excuse me but who is the SW FlL rep?
We only have 18 reps in FL
But by the time Comfortis is finished we may only have 5, you know like the old days