Merck's misguided sales tactics actually hurt the business


What Merck managers don't seem to understand (or are just to clueless to get)
is that forcing pharmaceuticals down doctors throats with high pressure "selling"
turns them off from prescribing the product...

This is not supposed to be a hard sell...It never was until Merck got desperate and turned
their managers into Gestapo....

You can just see it on the doctor's faces during field visits...They must be thinking what
fools we are in Big Pharma...

They are right...


mgmt. turning into bullies with reps and customers is just a sign of desperation. merck always forgets that the pen is in the physicians hand and that they can practice medicine very well without having to write merck products. and that is what is happening.

mgmt. turning into bullies with reps and customers is just a sign of desperation. merck always forgets that the pen is in the physicians hand and that they can practice medicine very well without having to write merck products. and that is what is happening.

The doctor's pen is mightier than Merck's plastic sword

Oh well, I'm sure everything will be perfect after tomorrow's many teleconferences. Always remember that at Merck, we can do anything and take care of everything with the mighty teleconference. I really don't think any more needs to be said. Except via teleconference of course.

Oh well, I'm sure everything will be perfect after tomorrow's many teleconferences. Always remember that at Merck, we can do anything and take care of everything with the mighty teleconference. I really don't think any more needs to be said. Except via teleconference of course.

the only company in America that needs a teleconference to plan its next teleconference...

Man, I do not miss those stupid telecons or the dumb field visits...

what a moronic job pharma sales became thanks to management's greed and stupidity.

the only company in America that needs a teleconference to plan its next teleconference...

Man, I do not miss those stupid telecons or the dumb field visits...

what a moronic job pharma sales became thanks to management's greed and stupidity.

You guys act like your manager chooses to go in the field 4 days per week and work with you all the time, the company says that is what they are to do. I mean really do you think I want to be with your excuse after excuse selves. Hear you complain about little things that you make big big money to do. It is as miserable for us to listen to someone making 120,000 plus bonus talk about to much email, to much expectations to sell something, having clinical discussions since your job is not to sell as that is to pushy. We dont want to ride with you and watch you talk about what is for lunch anymore than you like it. You complain about all this but you will never ever in your life make this kind of money for what you do yet talk so bad about. what job you going to get that you get mad at the boss or dont like something said and you can go shopping or home. What job do you think you will get that when its raining you can decide to sleep in. Come on once a month someone comes along so you can show all the things you have done to grow yourself and the business since last time, discuss live what make also help and watch what is most times so obviously a show and not for real that its funny. Do you really think we ride along and think you are not the biggest fake in sales. Lets all just do our jobs and generate some sales and keep moving forward. Its not easy either way.

You guys act like your manager chooses to go in the field 4 days per week and work with you all the time, the company says that is what they are to do. I mean really do you think I want to be with your excuse after excuse selves. Hear you complain about little things that you make big big money to do. It is as miserable for us to listen to someone making 120,000 plus bonus talk about to much email, to much expectations to sell something, having clinical discussions since your job is not to sell as that is to pushy. We dont want to ride with you and watch you talk about what is for lunch anymore than you like it. You complain about all this but you will never ever in your life make this kind of money for what you do yet talk so bad about. what job you going to get that you get mad at the boss or dont like something said and you can go shopping or home. What job do you think you will get that when its raining you can decide to sleep in. Come on once a month someone comes along so you can show all the things you have done to grow yourself and the business since last time, discuss live what make also help and watch what is most times so obviously a show and not for real that its funny. Do you really think we ride along and think you are not the biggest fake in sales. Lets all just do our jobs and generate some sales and keep moving forward. Its not easy either way.

It definitely goes both ways my customer team whatever. Are you more of a manager or a babysitter? We all know the answer to that and getting paid what you do for essentially babysitting is also the easiest money you will ever make in your career, too. Yeah, the job is mostly an act for show and we fake as needed to keep everyone happy. You do the same if you can be honest for the moment. I agree, it's not easy either way. Keep that in mind when you're being a dick with one of your reps. I could respect managers who played the game with their reps and would help their reps do the best they could while playing the game. Those managers are a rare breed today. How's that certification process going? Isn't it nice to get paid for doing that kind of work?! It's not easy either way.

You guys act like your manager chooses to go in the field 4 days per week and work with you all the time, the company says that is what they are to do. I mean really do you think I want to be with your excuse after excuse selves. Hear you complain about little things that you make big big money to do. It is as miserable for us to listen to someone making 120,000 plus bonus talk about to much email, to much expectations to sell something, having clinical discussions since your job is not to sell as that is to pushy. We dont want to ride with you and watch you talk about what is for lunch anymore than you like it. You complain about all this but you will never ever in your life make this kind of money for what you do yet talk so bad about. what job you going to get that you get mad at the boss or dont like something said and you can go shopping or home. What job do you think you will get that when its raining you can decide to sleep in. Come on once a month someone comes along so you can show all the things you have done to grow yourself and the business since last time, discuss live what make also help and watch what is most times so obviously a show and not for real that its funny. Do you really think we ride along and think you are not the biggest fake in sales. Lets all just do our jobs and generate some sales and keep moving forward. Its not easy either way.

First of all, you are claiming to be a manager, and if that is actually the case (which I truly question), then no wonder pharma is in the shitter. Your spelling (to, too) and grammar are atrocious. You are clearly pretty young (the typical DM, IF one at all), and really not that bright.
2nd, because you apparently don't realize this (being in pharma and that's probably all you've ever known) you mistakenly think that there aren't other high-paying sales jobs out there where one has flexibility in their days. Wrongo. There are A LOT of well-paid sales jobs and most, if not all, sales jobs where you're treated like the adult that (you) are, allow flexibility in daily schedules (uh, like "getting mad", going shopping, running errands, going home, rain etc.). That's SALES! Everyone knows you generally create your own schedule in the sales field. The big difference??? In those OTHER high-paid sales jobs, you don't have to HIDE the fact that you might be at home working in your office, or spending time on your phone or computer. AND....your manager doesn't feel the need to breathe down your neck as long as you're doing your job and #s are good. They DON'T do constant visits b/c they view their reps as educated ADULTS, capable of working their own territories.
You are an idiot. DMS in pharma don't teach anyone anything; we all know that.
Other (real) managers outside of pharma, actually DO bring some value to their reps on their once or twice yearly visits.
I know all of these things b/c my spouse has been in industrial sales & sales management his whole career. Great money, even more flexibility in schedule than I ever had, and as a manager found pharma management stories to be friggin hysterical, and ridiculous.
He took a new job recently, as a Sr. account rep (in indust. sales), and makes $250k/year. NO exaggeration. (oh, and yes, he has complaints about his job also. Who doesn't these days??)
Wake up. You apparently KNOW NOTHING about life outside pharma.

You guys act like your manager chooses to go in the field 4 days per week and work with you all the time, the company says that is what they are to do. I mean really do you think I want to be with your excuse after excuse selves. Hear you complain about little things that you make big big money to do. It is as miserable for us to listen to someone making 120,000 plus bonus talk about to much email, to much expectations to sell something, having clinical discussions since your job is not to sell as that is to pushy. We dont want to ride with you and watch you talk about what is for lunch anymore than you like it. You complain about all this but you will never ever in your life make this kind of money for what you do yet talk so bad about. what job you going to get that you get mad at the boss or dont like something said and you can go shopping or home. What job do you think you will get that when its raining you can decide to sleep in. Come on once a month someone comes along so you can show all the things you have done to grow yourself and the business since last time, discuss live what make also help and watch what is most times so obviously a show and not for real that its funny. Do you really think we ride along and think you are not the biggest fake in sales. Lets all just do our jobs and generate some sales and keep moving forward. Its not easy either way.

It might not be easy either way, but your still an idiot. Check it out Einstein. You decide you want to work with me for 2 days a month. Thats great. Since I cant take you to many places anymore (due to your attitude displayed above or sheer arrogance in front of doctors), I will have to save up enough doctors for me to see while you are with me. That means I will not be working for at least 3 or 4 days before your sorry pencilneck a** arrives. When you work with me, I will be wasting 2 days that have been rehearsed by all those I told I would be coming around with you. After you leave, I will then go back with all kinds of goodies for at least 2 days to apologize to everyone you(and maybe me)have offended. I will add it up for you since you cant Einstein. I just wasted 8 work days-thats 40% of the month jerky-all because you wanted to work with me for 2 days. So, dont come in here and tell us how you hate to work with us. You guys have created all of this over the course of 20 years. You, You, You. Stay home, do your reports, and be on your teleconferences. You offer nothing to us in the field, and you certainly have nothing to offer out doctors. They absolutely hate seeing you, and you know it. Dont act like you dont. Grow up. Get real. And best of all, remeber what you did when your manager worked with you when you were a rep. Oh, you werent a rep long enough to know what its like in the real world? Thats what I figured. Thats how we, as a company, got here. Strong work.

First of all, you are claiming to be a manager, and if that is actually the case (which I truly question), then no wonder pharma is in the shitter. Your spelling (to, too) and grammar are atrocious. You are clearly pretty young (the typical DM, IF one at all), and really not that bright.
2nd, because you apparently don't realize this (being in pharma and that's probably all you've ever known) you mistakenly think that there aren't other high-paying sales jobs out there where one has flexibility in their days. Wrongo. There are A LOT of well-paid sales jobs and most, if not all, sales jobs where you're treated like the adult that (you) are, allow flexibility in daily schedules (uh, like "getting mad", going shopping, running errands, going home, rain etc.). That's SALES! Everyone knows you generally create your own schedule in the sales field. The big difference??? In those OTHER high-paid sales jobs, you don't have to HIDE the fact that you might be at home working in your office, or spending time on your phone or computer. AND....your manager doesn't feel the need to breathe down your neck as long as you're doing your job and #s are good. They DON'T do constant visits b/c they view their reps as educated ADULTS, capable of working their own territories.
You are an idiot. DMS in pharma don't teach anyone anything; we all know that.
Other (real) managers outside of pharma, actually DO bring some value to their reps on their once or twice yearly visits.
I know all of these things b/c my spouse has been in industrial sales & sales management his whole career. Great money, even more flexibility in schedule than I ever had, and as a manager found pharma management stories to be friggin hysterical, and ridiculous.
He took a new job recently, as a Sr. account rep (in indust. sales), and makes $250k/year. NO exaggeration. (oh, and yes, he has complaints about his job also. Who doesn't these days??)
Wake up. You apparently KNOW NOTHING about life outside pharma. socked it to 'em!

100% spot on. All true. I've worked in other sales too and it is not like this level of idiotic nonsense work with rep day. No criticism about every little thing.ter.

To the person who wrote the post about her husband in the industrial sales market:

My husband is in that market as well and is out of a job, with everything going on with our company right now, he needs to find something quick. Where are you and could you pass on some info on good companies for him to look at? We are in the South. It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for that, I know from his old job it is what you described, it is just real sales! any advice would be great.

Post #8 was not written by a manager. Unless the basic educational level required for the job is a 5th grade one. This person could not write "too much" correctly. Always "to much". That's suicidal in business writing or e-mail.

Post #8 was not written by a manager. Unless the basic educational level required for the job is a 5th grade one. This person could not write "too much" correctly. Always "to much". That's suicidal in business writing or e-mail.

You guys are so fun. All you have to do on here is pretend to be a manager and say a bunch of crap and you go crazy. Boy why so defensive could any be true. Anyway that was fun.

To the person who wrote the post about her husband in the industrial sales market:

My husband is in that market as well and is out of a job, with everything going on with our company right now, he needs to find something quick. Where are you and could you pass on some info on good companies for him to look at? We are in the South. It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for that, I know from his old job it is what you described, it is just real sales! any advice would be great.

Hi. I'm the post you are asking about. We're in the south as well, but unfortunately off the top of my head I don't know about good companies for your husband to consider. The one my spouse got with was a random opening; a friend of his was in the job and moving away, so he got to step into his position pretty easily (very lucky situation, although it's a very stressful job). I'll ask him about companies to consider, and if there are possibilities I will post.
I know it's a difficult situation you guys are in, so I wish you the best. Hopefully I can help out.


It might not be easy either way, but your still an idiot. Check it out Einstein. You decide you want to work with me for 2 days a month. Thats great. Since I cant take you to many places anymore (due to your attitude displayed above or sheer arrogance in front of doctors), I will have to save up enough doctors for me to see while you are with me. That means I will not be working for at least 3 or 4 days before your sorry pencilneck a** arrives. When you work with me, I will be wasting 2 days that have been rehearsed by all those I told I would be coming around with you. After you leave, I will then go back with all kinds of goodies for at least 2 days to apologize to everyone you(and maybe me)have offended. I will add it up for you since you cant Einstein. I just wasted 8 work days-thats 40% of the month jerky-all because you wanted to work with me for 2 days. So, dont come in here and tell us how you hate to work with us. You guys have created all of this over the course of 20 years. You, You, You. Stay home, do your reports, and be on your teleconferences. You offer nothing to us in the field, and you certainly have nothing to offer out doctors. They absolutely hate seeing you, and you know it. Dont act like you dont. Grow up. Get real. And best of all, remeber what you did when your manager worked with you when you were a rep. Oh, you werent a rep long enough to know what its like in the real world? Thats what I figured. Thats how we, as a company, got here. Strong work.

this is so true...and it is the reason i got out of pharma sales after 19 years...(what a friggin' waste of time it turned out to be) The field visits serve no purpose other than to justify the jobs of useless Merck managers...(who never seem to get laid off either)

the customers hate it...but Merck keeps doing it because they just dont get it...and never will....

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