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Merck's Hiring!!!!!!!


Caouette said the latest job cuts will be partially offset by hiring in high-growth areas, namely the emerging markets of China, India and Brazil. That’s where Merck and other drug makers are hoping to generate future growth.


Will Merck cover our relocation expenses to India and China? I'm almost finished (1 more year) with my Chinese foreign language curriculum a UI....hope I get a shot at relocating.

Few critical fact to consider here: The 3 countries you mentioned already have a huge, highly qualified and highly educated candidate pools. These countries are highly competitive when it comes to the job market. Also, in order to get a position with let's say, Merck India, you must first apply to open positions and be interviewed and hired by the country's Corp. Management in order to move there. If you are part of the Executive management, you can attain the Ex-pat (Ex-patriot) status to get appointed on U.S. payroll to one these countries - which of course, is extremely rare and political (who you know - who's ass you kiss) occurence. I was displced 2 years ago and was willing to go to China or India - did my research and uncovered these facts. So, it is pure and simple Merck Corporate Bullshit when they say they will offset the displacement by moving headcount to India or China. Another fact to consider - the cost of living in especially India and China (with their hugely growing economies) is rising daily and has become outrageous.

Few critical fact to consider here: The 3 countries you mentioned already have a huge, highly qualified and highly educated candidate pools. These countries are highly competitive when it comes to the job market. Also, in order to get a position with let's say, Merck India, you must first apply to open positions and be interviewed and hired by the country's Corp. Management in order to move there. If you are part of the Executive management, you can attain the Ex-pat (Ex-patriot) status to get appointed on U.S. payroll to one these countries - which of course, is extremely rare and political (who you know - who's ass you kiss) occurence. I was displced 2 years ago and was willing to go to China or India - did my research and uncovered these facts. So, it is pure and simple Merck Corporate Bullshit when they say they will offset the displacement by moving headcount to India or China. Another fact to consider - the cost of living in especially India and China (with their hugely growing economies) is rising daily and has become outrageous.

Well you are just silly to think that you would be happy working as a local in most of these emerging markets. Silly enough to demonstrate your naivete, which is disqualification right then and there. But take a look at the bigger picture. The US is about the only country that does not negotiate some form of quid pro quo for market access. We lead the world in granting the international community unfettered free access to our markets along with free access to our jobs. Now who do you think benefits from that. You bet. Corporate America. Se why don't we go ahead and reward this already amply rewarded segment of society with even lower tax rates. WTF. Almost all of of them have recorded massive profits for the last 10 years and haven't created any net jobs during that time. Most of their employment efforts seem to go to hiring Washington lobbyists. We export jobs to the emerging world and import their lower quality of life.

Will Merck cover our relocation expenses to India and China? I'm almost finished (1 more year) with my Chinese foreign language curriculum a UI....hope I get a shot at relocating.

You'd be better off learning French if you want a shot at Shanghai: it's the French mafia in control over there with many relocated from Paris.

The more lao wai in China, the more likely that Merck won't make a single renminbi on this adeventure of theirs. French or not, Merck has a huge number of parasitic under-talented corporate types. Merck isn't sharp or clever at anything any more but still has the arrogance that it acquired decades ago. Pride goeth before destruction.

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