Merck: what a joke

Whats up shit asses? Ha!! You fucks at Merck-a place I worked for over 20 years. All I can say is when you work at Merck your stock goes down when trying to find a new job. Working for Merck, where they don't let you think for yourself, ends up making you a lazy, candy ass rep. Everyone knows it too.

Since leaving, I am now on the backside of my career. Merck was good when it started, but then started the slow, gradual decline into shit. I have finally been able to get the skills back that I lost while being told what to say, how to say it, and who to say it to while at Merck.

Working for a company now that treats you like an adult. And, lets you do the thinking for your territory rather than relying on all the feel good, slick ass tactics coming from someone thousands of miles away working in a cubicle looking at a computer screen.

Get out while you can. Look around. They underpay. They treat you like shit. They are piss-poorly managed that runs all the way to the top and everything in between. Total woke.

Adios shit asses. Enjoy your robot mentality that gets you nowhere in life.

It is a joke - it’s like the D’s having primaries, but then letting a few rich and powerful pick their candidate like in 2016, 2023, and now maybe 2024. End the charade!

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