Merck should promote Jim "WhackyAss" Welch to CEO


with all the turbulence at Merck these days, the answer to the company's woes
is just so painfully obvious to me...why don't more people see it??

Ken Frazier's intellect is no match for that of Ol' Whack...

Plus, Welch is just chock full of cutting edge ideas that could be game-changers
for Merck...

Give Whack a chance people...Let him finish things off once and for all...LOL!!

Perhaps Merck should just sell of their remaining products and call it a day...


Ive got a better idea. Lets not let f'ing welch to CEO.
He's killed the morale in the region
His own executive says he sucks ass
He knows all about the other thread
He has no marketable skills
He has no idea what it takes to lead on anything other than a lemonade stand
He is the biggest backstabber in the company-pretty hard to do
It's always his agenda
He can never shut his f'ing mouth
There's no innovation with WA-only stifling, old, tired ideas

I hope big Bob Murphy-also an ass, is hip on the upcoming surveys. I also hope HR will know about the surveys. This isn't going away any time soon. Whack got promoted because of who daddy was, not because he accomplished things. He sucked ass as a manager, now we just more of it at the DCO level. Good luck with moving the region along whacky-we all know you read this.

A member of your executive team
Dont believe me?
If you only knew

Exec team member here. Know that JW is aware of CP. We deal with the same issues when we all meet. JW has been exposed. We all know it. With the exception of a couple of us.

Promoting the likes of whackyass is the reason we're here as a company. Until they fire all the guys(and gals)things will never get any better. You can't just blame it all on the lack of new drugs being approved. These individuals have been put in place either because of EEO mandatory hiring or because of nepotism. There's no way guys like whacky, women like jackie, and "leaders" like Adam, all succeeded in the field. They did not. I love taking advice from people who've never done what we do, or if they have, they've only done it for a few years. This is sickening.

And nobody cares.

And nobody can do anything about it.

Promoting the likes of whackyass is the reason we're here as a company. Until they fire all the guys(and gals)things will never get any better. You can't just blame it all on the lack of new drugs being approved. These individuals have been put in place either because of EEO mandatory hiring or because of nepotism. There's no way guys like whacky, women like jackie, and "leaders" like Adam, all succeeded in the field. They did not. I love taking advice from people who've never done what we do, or if they have, they've only done it for a few years. This is sickening.

And nobody cares.

And nobody can do anything about it.

I think you're wrong. People do care. We just Know there's nothing to do about it. He's beaten the region into submission so what do you do? Hang in there. He will leave one day to be replaced by another koolaid drinker. But at least we will have a chance for someone with more experience.

Jim "Whackyass" Welsh is the western DCO. His daddy was a long-time big wig for the company, and got his son promoted before retiring. I'm thinking CP would be cafepharma, and the surveys are the ones that were filled out a few weeks ago. Whackyass has an inkling of what's coming on those too.

I've known whacky for many years. He's Merck 24/7/365. It's horrible to be around. It would be one thing if he knew what he was doing, but he has no clue of what to do. Now he along with his clowns are running the circus in the west. Rumor has it that old Whacky is having help from a certain CTL who he's known for a long time run the region.

Don't hold your breathe that anything will change. Old Whackyass is a master of spin/recycle. There will be no change of how we operate, or in performance as long as Whackyass is at the helm.

what needs to happen for welsh to get canned? how bad does it have to get? can he get promoted again before anybody knows what a POS he is?

anythings possible with this company. Go whackyass!

Welchass sucks the big one
Let him get promoted to get him outta here

Too funny! Your late night west coast posts are like clockwork. I can imagine your family going to bed and you head to your dark computer room. After consuming a half bottle of Jack, you sign on to attack the whack. You dwell on your life as a meager schlep rep knowing you will be canned someday. Every day you get in your pos Fusion and grab some md sigs. Your day drags on with mobile iron by your side. Your salary and bonus are stagnant and you won't ever climb the ladder. Meanwhile access in the PNW gets worse as do the products you promote. You know your time is almost up. The whack will indeed have the last laugh. Ole journalism JW knows the timeline. Just as packages cease then you will be canned. A meager 8 weeks salary WARN and unused vacation. Time to dip into your 401k to live on at a 48% tax rate. I do suggest you post for employment and not here. Be well, JW

You can go ahead and can me too whacky. I've been double-dipping for a long time in anticipation of this turd company sinking to the bottom with you as the regional head. I've got too many years to work to get too bogged down with the illiteracy of the likes of you.

You never know what your timeline might look like. You ain't the sharpest tool in the shed if you know what I mean.

You can't even get the buy-in from your own exec-team. What a freaking joke. The exec team.

I'm not worried about my future. I would be worried about yours. Like they say, KARMA is a bitch

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