Merck is not healthy look at the Cash


Four years ago 87 billion cash on hand now 20 so everyone the cuts will only continue Do you all realize that our sales in emerging markets are not as lucrative with where the dollar is. The company will either be bought or sell off piece by piece. Any other thoughts are welcome as we are all on borrowed time.


Four years ago 87 billion cash on hand now 20 so everyone the cuts will only continue Do you all realize that our sales in emerging markets are not as lucrative with where the dollar is. The company will either be bought or sell off piece by piece. Any other thoughts are welcome as we are all on borrowed time.

company paying down debts, propping up stock price and flushing corpse with fresh embalming fluid to prepare for auction. smoke and mirror sites being setup in "me too" genius hubs, San Francisco, Cambridge, London to look more appealing and hip. old timers under old pension system forced out, current employees scammed with new compensation model. Company YOLO'ing on Keytruda to build demolition fund for NJ/PA sites.

Four years ago 87 billion cash on hand now 20 so everyone the cuts will only continue Do you all realize that our sales in emerging markets are not as lucrative with where the dollar is. The company will either be bought or sell off piece by piece. Any other thoughts are welcome as we are all on borrowed time.

You don't know much about finance or balance sheets do you? Idle cash is a waste.
So too are idle sales reps, and a drag on my earnings, so out you go.

company paying down debts, propping up stock price and flushing corpse with fresh embalming fluid to prepare for auction. smoke and mirror sites being setup in "me too" genius hubs, San Francisco, Cambridge, London to look more appealing and hip. old timers under old pension system forced out, current employees scammed with new compensation model. Company YOLO'ing on Keytruda to build demolition fund for NJ/PA sites.
Old timers won't be forced out. Since the old pension drys up at the end of 2019, there is no incentive to get rid of people now. Time will clear the place out in two years with no severance.

Cash will be flowing heavily during the second quarter next year after the large layoffs in the first quarter. 2700 more turds flushed!
My manager tried to flush me, but just as I was swirling into oblivion I braced against the bowl and launched myself right into his face! Talk about a brown was classic!

That empty pipeline tells a much bigger story than the cash balance. We're now down to two legit drugs to sell and Januvia's time is nearly up. We got lucky with the Organon purchase, which saved the Oncology sales team and prolonged the company a little while longer. Tick tock….

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