Merck CTL's Skewed/Warped Sense of Reality Does A Disservice to the Company


Merck CTLs play this stupid game to keep their jobs...They act like it is just
"business as usual" with the pharma inuustry and Merck..They should all carry
SAG cards because they are better actors than anyone in Hollywood.

The problem is, their dillsusions just serve to further sink the company...

I have just one word to desciribe these folks: SELFISH...

They should all resign because they know how useless they are...



Merck CTLs play this stupid game to keep their jobs...They act like it is just
"business as usual" with the pharma inuustry and Merck..They should all carry
SAG cards because they are better actors than anyone in Hollywood.

The problem is, their dillsusions just serve to further sink the company...

I have just one word to desciribe these folks: SELFISH...

They should all resign because they know how useless they are...

I'm sure most CTLs are just as nervous as the reps, but any acknowledgement of what potentially lies ahead only shatters the illusion of "business as usual" and forces them to come to grip with the fact that not only is this industry dying, but their job, for the most part, is really pretty silly. They will cover themselves with the tattered cloak of denial for as long as they possibly can

Admittedly, some of the CTLs are pure trash and doing the company's dirty work. Some, on the other hand, aren't. Unless they are in a protected class, they will be the first to go.

Admittedly, some of the CTLs are pure trash and doing the company's dirty work. Some, on the other hand, aren't. Unless they are in a protected class, they will be the first to go.

I was let go from Merck many months ago. I am in my 20s, single and didn't freak out. Instantly I got a rep job but here is the deal. Almost every Merck ctl laid off ends up being a rep. I love watching these asses take a 85k ex Merck rep job and take shit from the new company managers. They are given the same shit that they gave to reps. Very funny, what comes around goes around. Many have even been blackballed from rep jobs ex Merck. Why? Merck reps who joined these companies say "don't hire ctl named xyz". You see, ctls will getwwhat's due to them. Remember this, headcount reduction numbers were sugarcoated. In 14' expect another 15-20k cuts at Merck. Beginning of Jan will be ughly! Get out now while there are other pharma jobs.

I was let go from Merck many months ago. I am in my 20s, single and didn't freak out. Instantly I got a rep job but here is the deal. Almost every Merck ctl laid off ends up being a rep. I love watching these asses take a 85k ex Merck rep job and take shit from the new company managers. They are given the same shit that they gave to reps. Very funny, what comes around goes around. Many have even been blackballed from rep jobs ex Merck. Why? Merck reps who joined these companies say "don't hire ctl named xyz". You see, ctls will getwwhat's due to them. Remember this, headcount reduction numbers were sugarcoated. In 14' expect another 15-20k cuts at Merck. Beginning of Jan will be ughly! Get out now while there are other pharma jobs.

Not all of us can spread our legs for a new job.

Admittedly, some of the CTLs are pure trash and doing the company's dirty work. Some, on the other hand, aren't. Unless they are in a protected class, they will be the first to go.

CTLs don't ever seem to go period...Saying they will be the first to go is wishful thinking...they should be the first to go, but instead, they will get some ridiculous safe landing like MSCAM or something equally ridiculous...

Merck loves their CTLs...they will always make a place for them...


I was let go from Merck many months ago. I am in my 20s, single and didn't freak out. Instantly I got a rep job but here is the deal. Almost every Merck ctl laid off ends up being a rep. I love watching these asses take a 85k ex Merck rep job and take shit from the new company managers. They are given the same shit that they gave to reps. Very funny, what comes around goes around. Many have even been blackballed from rep jobs ex Merck. Why? Merck reps who joined these companies say "don't hire ctl named xyz". You see, ctls will getwwhat's due to them. Remember this, headcount reduction numbers were sugarcoated. In 14' expect another 15-20k cuts at Merck. Beginning of Jan will be ughly! Get out now while there are other pharma jobs.

CTLs to reps, for awhile. Then, they'll move back into a new manager spot. Unless they're a real live wannabee this will be the way it plays After all, they worked to be a manager and graduated to the big status with all the trimming$!!

I don't feel sorry for the CTL's. They don't feel sorry for the reps too. They know their jobs are always on the line if they don't carry out the executions. They don't have a warped sense of reality. They are being paid good money to ignore everything and work the reps until they drop.