When you factor in that CTLs at Merck can basically sit home most of the time, forward a few voice mails and emails, and attend the occasional "manager's" meeting, all the while pulling down abou 175K per year with car and benefits, it must be the best job in all of corporate America...
My cousin is an experience marketing manager with an MBA from Harvard, and barely come in at 6 figures...Keep in mind, this is with a long daily commute, numerous business trips battling the airport, tons of pressure and accountability, and long work hours...
The Merck CTLs lie, cheat, fabricate and kiss ass...And they manage to go on year after year, pulling down ridiculous money for doing absolutely nothing...
Frazier really needs to start being more aggresive at looking at what is going on in this company where he supposedly is Chief Executive Officer...Stockholders should be outraged that about 50% of the sales and marketing org gets paid for doing nothing.
My cousin is an experience marketing manager with an MBA from Harvard, and barely come in at 6 figures...Keep in mind, this is with a long daily commute, numerous business trips battling the airport, tons of pressure and accountability, and long work hours...
The Merck CTLs lie, cheat, fabricate and kiss ass...And they manage to go on year after year, pulling down ridiculous money for doing absolutely nothing...
Frazier really needs to start being more aggresive at looking at what is going on in this company where he supposedly is Chief Executive Officer...Stockholders should be outraged that about 50% of the sales and marketing org gets paid for doing nothing.