Merck Contract: Please help! Interviewing


I am interviewing next week for a position with the flex time Merck Contract. Can someone please tell me:
1. What products?
2. How much is salary, bonus, car allowance?
3. They said 2 weeks home study and one week away for training. Where is training?
4. How long is contract?
5. How are managers in southeast?
6. Anything else?

I am very excited for this opportunity and any info you can share would be helpful!

The products are Maxalt, Nasonex, Asmanex and Avelox.
The salary is $28.33 although raises are coming soon. No car allowance but you get mileage based on whatever the government says it is - right now it is 55 cents/mile.
The contract goes through December 2013, but will hopefully be extended.

Good luck!

It was a very good job and still is to some extent. The problem is they are taking a bit advantage of us. They want us to carry multiple products, work with DM too often and work with who ever else they ask us to. There is alot of conf calls and constant testing on products. They are getting there money out of us and they have the nerve to ask if we are working 8 hr days. I think I put in 30 hrs a week.
Aside from all that, the economy is still not good and I am lucky to be working.

Way too many ride withs!!! not giving us enough samples but yet they are asking us about how many sample calls we are putting in....You can't sample with out product! Other than the things listed it is a good job. You will be asked to sell something be prepared