Merck Cafe Pharma 220 Views Is 10/2 D-Day ?


Sleep tight my friends ! At this dump of a company nothing should suprise us anymore.

We have gone from first to....last in many peoples book in 20 short years.

There is not an honest leader (band 3 and above) in the entire org. No honesty, no vision, nor sense of personal responsibility for anyone other themselves. Adam Schecter is a facade. Mark Timney is a ____ing sissy. No balls, no ability to look anyone in their face and tell the truth.

Amateur hour that has politicked and s___ d___ under the table to get ahead.

Lemmings off a cliff...Has been that way for 20 years.

Good luck my friends.


Wow....Thanks cafepharma...We the people were accurate.

Now we just need to help each other and find out the details behind the 8,500 lay offs.

We need to band together and find the litigation angles.

Wow....Thanks cafepharma...We the people were accurate.

Now we just need to help each other and find out the details behind the 8,500 lay offs.

We need to band together and find the litigation angles.

Litigation angles?? Are you serious?? You want to really make your life a living hell?? THen go ahead and try to litigate against Merck, a company made up of lawyers, and more money the G-D...

you can't fight them and win...the best you could hope for is that your case is so airtight that you settle, and by the time you pay your attorney, you will say it was not worth the grief....

you can't fight the evil beast Merck.

Litigation angles?? Are you serious?? You want to really make your life a living hell?? THen go ahead and try to litigate against Merck, a company made up of lawyers, and more money the G-D...

you can't fight them and win...the best you could hope for is that your case is so airtight that you settle, and by the time you pay your attorney, you will say it was not worth the grief....

you can't fight the evil beast Merck.

Another 100 Million dollar lawsuit might be launched due to the selective and discriminatory cuts that will be made. Stay Merck will need their army of lawyers. Just stay tuned. And there are over 300 on the Merck site at this moment.

You will be offered a package that will carry you, from a few months to 2 years, if you take it you will sign that you will not litigate. And you will take it. So put your mind to going forward and finding new jobs. Hope you were not one of those that made fun of CSOs because tht is your best chance of employment.

Another 100 Million dollar lawsuit might be launched due to the selective and discriminatory cuts that will be made. Stay Merck will need their army of lawyers. Just stay tuned. And there are over 300 on the Merck site at this moment.

If you mean discriminatory removal of useless reps then right on!

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