How many of you out there feel that things have gotten so depressing at Merck, that you fear you are doing irreperable damage to your personal "brand" being associated with this company? A company so lacking in ethics, and one that treats employees with such disregard, makes for a pretty unhappy existence yes?
Let's start a list, of what makes the "brave new world" at Merck, such a scary, toxic place.
1) Field "visits" - Is there anything more humiliating than putting on a stupid dog and pony
show in front of customers, just so your manager thinks he "adds value."
2) Teleconferences - Whoever sells teleconferencing services to Merck, must be
laughing. This company is addicted to telecons more than Lindsey
Lohan is parties...
3) Business analysis - Though the drug rep has little, if any effect on customers anymore,
Merck stresses that we must analyze every nuance of our territory. For
the most part, it is a total waste of time and energy.
4) Coporate Sloganeering - Merck loves their slogans...They spew a new one every couple
of weeks, and the managers glom onto them like barnacles on the bottom
of a boat...New commercial model...hire to retire...blah blah blah...
Go ahead...add a few of your own...this place is so depressing...UGH!!
Let's start a list, of what makes the "brave new world" at Merck, such a scary, toxic place.
1) Field "visits" - Is there anything more humiliating than putting on a stupid dog and pony
show in front of customers, just so your manager thinks he "adds value."
2) Teleconferences - Whoever sells teleconferencing services to Merck, must be
laughing. This company is addicted to telecons more than Lindsey
Lohan is parties...
3) Business analysis - Though the drug rep has little, if any effect on customers anymore,
Merck stresses that we must analyze every nuance of our territory. For
the most part, it is a total waste of time and energy.
4) Coporate Sloganeering - Merck loves their slogans...They spew a new one every couple
of weeks, and the managers glom onto them like barnacles on the bottom
of a boat...New commercial model...hire to retire...blah blah blah...
Go ahead...add a few of your own...this place is so depressing...UGH!!