Mentor Corporate Culture?


I've been interviewing with Mentor and recently spent a day at the HQ office in Santa Barbara. The position seems challenging, the products OK, and the management has a record of reasonable success. There were some big red flags. They've hired a new group to lead sales and marketing and are reorganizing. They come from big firms (P&G, J&J, etc.) but none of them seem very committed and are keeping their homes in other states, even stating they are taking a "wait and see" approach before settling locally. I have also never seen so much overhead support staff. Does every mid-level manager need a secretary and an associate staff? I've also heard they have a start and stop history. They'll say they'll move in one direction, reorganize, only to switch back or shift again. Anyone know what the skinny is at corporate these day?

High visibility positions are being filled with people from Fortune 500 execs but they aren't moving their families out to Santa Barbara. Why move twice if the company is bought out and the headquarters moves in a year or two? They need to replace more than a few people and should start at the very top.