Men's Health Division


So they have Cialis and the new Iron-Ax drug. Is this really where people should be going?!? Shawn Heffern hired some pretty decent managers - lots of old school, some new. If they left neuro/msk/lhg, should I think about it?

They also have Cymbalta there champ. And NOTHING new is coming. DM told me it's fixed duration won't last two years. Axiron is nothing more than a 'me too' to Androgel and without ANY Managed Care it's launch will fail. Trust me.

They also have Cymbalta there champ. And NOTHING new is coming. DM told me it's fixed duration won't last two years. Axiron is nothing more than a 'me too' to Androgel and without ANY Managed Care it's launch will fail. Trust me.

Hmmm... The emperor has low T and no new super dupper Lilly drug product to fix it yet. Or, maybe there isn't really anything to sell? Launch may fail when there isn't anything in the box. But it's approved, so why not? What is the reason it was already approved but won't hit the market until next year? A "me too" that can't be sold yet? Maybe it is the next generation of drug. Virtual T! No physical product! Just pretend to use it for a price. The placebo effect to increase your T! What a concept. The Flower has achieved greatness again!

Hmmm... The emperor has low T and no new super dupper Lilly drug product to fix it yet. Or, maybe there isn't really anything to sell? Launch may fail when there isn't anything in the box. But it's approved, so why not? What is the reason it was already approved but won't hit the market until next year? A "me too" that can't be sold yet? Maybe it is the next generation of drug. Virtual T! No physical product! Just pretend to use it for a price. The placebo effect to increase your T! What a concept. The Flower has achieved greatness again!
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