men are paid more than women in aesthetics


  • LA South Senior RSM - male
  • Orange County Senior RSM- male
  • San Diego Senior RSM-male
  • Grand Canyon South Senior RSM - male
  • Austin Senior RSM - male
  • Sacramento Senior RSM- male
  • LA North RSM - female
  • Seattle RSM - female
  • San Francisco RSM - female
  • Grand Canyon North RSM - female
Senior title means these men are paid more money for the same work. We need to sue this company!


  • LA North RSM - female (Newer manager, was a rep before getting into management)
  • Seattle RSM - female (New manager, was a rep before getting into management)
  • San Francisco RSM - female (always pregnant)
  • Grand Canyon North RSM - female (New manager, barely a rep prior to management)
In no way shape or form is this discrimination. All the male people above had tons of executive leadership experience where the female managers have very light leadership experience. I am female and have no issue with this. Our VP is female and the head of US is female.

In the scenarios written above, they should be. Those men have been here longer and achieved higher quota attainment then the women in those positions. In addition, men are superior, don’t take maternity leave, work harder, are smarter, and are emotionally stable.

you’re welcome and quit being a whiny female.

Three of the male managers have been here less than a year and the LA South manager was coaching soccer as his career before joining. None of the three have aesthetic experience.

Women are paid way more than men at this company. Think about the hundreds of thousands of dollars in Restylane and Dysport samples all the girls use to get their faces injected on a daily basis. That is a job perk that no man can claim. I bet the dollar value of the junk in every girls face is equal to Flemings base salary.