
Im sure GR will convince them he is needed and must stay. Odds?

The MEMs put the company at serious risk, now that there are zero physicians on board. JL kept GR and his gang in check. There is a real question about separation of sales from their function. It would be tough to defend this small group if a key opinion leader or other professional made a claim against them. Besides, not a single one of them have any medical credentials. No PharmD; no RN; no PA; no MD... All they are good at is... hmmm... can't think of anything they are good at.

Value= 0

You have no idea what they do to support the business, they actually do a great job, you're just jealous. Why do you think they are older more experienced reps?

You can't be serious. MeMs should not sales focussed and "older more experienced reps" are not equipped to do the job. MeMs should peers of the doctor, not sales people.
This is another area where Graceway is insufficient.