Meeting your numbers


Hi All,

Just a quick question. I know i'm going to get a lot of responses about why this is a horrible place to work and how I must be desperate and an idiot and so on....but here it goes.

I recently had an interview with Takeda and suspect that I will be getting an offer based on the feedback I received. They already told me about base salary, car, computer etc... but they didn't mention how the quotas were calculated.

The question is this- do you still get commissions/bonuses if your POD doesn't make the numbers? How can they distinguish between you meeting your goals and someone else if there is multiple reps calling on the same offices?

Thanks in advance for any help!


Hi All,

Just a quick question. I know i'm going to get a lot of responses about why this is a horrible place to work and how I must be desperate and an idiot and so on....but here it goes.

I recently had an interview with Takeda and suspect that I will be getting an offer based on the feedback I received. They already told me about base salary, car, computer etc... but they didn't mention how the quotas were calculated.

The question is this- do you still get commissions/bonuses if your POD doesn't make the numbers? How can they distinguish between you meeting your goals and someone else if there is multiple reps calling on the same offices?

Thanks in advance for any help!

You have goals based on your specific product mix and providers that you call on. If you call on exactly the same providers for Brintellix as your counterpart, your goals will be exactly the same.
No differentiating who had the most impact, you get paid or not paid based on your percent to goal, whether that is individual or team effort.
If you want to understand how goals are set, well good luck with that. There is a 50 page slide deck that is sent out trying to explain it to you.
Here are the cliff notes. If you make goal in this quarter your goals will get jacked up next quarter. If you don't make goal this quarter, your goals will still get jacked up next quarter.
Don't plan on making goal on every product every quarter. It is not realistic due to the inflated goal setting methodology that takes place. Payouts have been and will continue to be leaner. Takeda is trimming down costs to maintain profitability across every aspect of business, that includes sales and commissions.

It reall depends on your territory and coverage. I had a rough year where I was making minimum goal, but last 18 months have been great. It just really depends on the territory and product weighting. even though you are selling the same products, youare weighted differently on them. Some of it is cyclical, but good reps usually do well as long as you have access. We are very lucky in that regard.

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