Meeting - Women's health


Pfizer just turned in their numbers and Women's health contributions were zero. Actually they were negative relative to the market. We really need to up our game and start really making calls to effect change. We got rid of the dead weight last year so lets show Pfizer that their decision to keep the rest of us is warranted. We can beat the competition!! There is no way Estrace should be beating us. We have the superior product and you know it. Let the Dr. know that he needs to prescribe the best med for his patient. I don't know anything about a new drug being bought but I do know that if we can't stem this negative tide, this division will revert back to a contract sales force as it was in 2012. Let's keep out jobs so get out of bed, are your calls and then some. Its time to increase are call volume to at least 12 per day. You know its not a stretch!! Quit faking calls and wasting money. We got paid to work so lets WORK now before its too late!!!!

Pfizer just turned in their numbers and Women's health contributions were zero. Actually they were negative relative to the market. We really need to up our game and start really making calls to effect change. We got rid of the dead weight last year so lets show Pfizer that their decision to keep the rest of us is warranted. We can beat the competition!! There is no way Estrace should be beating us. We have the superior product and you know it. Let the Dr. know that he needs to prescribe the best med for his patient. I don't know anything about a new drug being bought but I do know that if we can't stem this negative tide, this division will revert back to a contract sales force as it was in 2012. Let's keep out jobs so get out of bed, are your calls and then some. Its time to increase are call volume to at least 12 per day. You know its not a stretch!! Quit faking calls and wasting money. We got paid to work so lets WORK now before its too late!!!!

Pfizer just turned in their numbers and Women's health contributions were zero. Actually they were negative relative to the market. We really need to up our game and start really making calls to effect change. We got rid of the dead weight last year so lets show Pfizer that their decision to keep the rest of us is warranted. We can beat the competition!! There is no way Estrace should be beating us. We have the superior product and you know it. Let the Dr. know that he needs to prescribe the best med for his patient. I don't know anything about a new drug being bought but I do know that if we can't stem this negative tide, this division will revert back to a contract sales force as it was in 2012. Let's keep out jobs so get out of bed, are your calls and then some. Its time to increase are call volume to at least 12 per day. You know its not a stretch!! Quit faking calls and wasting money. We got paid to work so lets WORK now before its too late!!!!

Former airhead cheerleader who must have fallen on her head one too many times.
Shut up and go away. You're all losers. Time to "reorganize" and make you gone.

Pfizer just turned in their numbers and Women's health contributions were zero. Actually they were negative relative to the market. We really need to up our game and start really making calls to effect change. We got rid of the dead weight last year so lets show Pfizer that their decision to keep the rest of us is warranted. We can beat the competition!! There is no way Estrace should be beating us. We have the superior product and you know it. Let the Dr. know that he needs to prescribe the best med for his patient. I don't know anything about a new drug being bought but I do know that if we can't stem this negative tide, this division will revert back to a contract sales force as it was in 2012. Let's keep out jobs so get out of bed, are your calls and then some. Its time to increase are call volume to at least 12 per day. You know its not a stretch!! Quit faking calls and wasting money. We got paid to work so lets WORK now before its too late!!!!

Sounds like another airhead former cheerleader who fell on her head one too many times.
Shut up and go away. You've become a liability and are not making money. Time to flush the toilet and send you all out to sea.

Sounds like another airhead former cheerleader who fell on her head one too many times.
Shut up and go away. You've become a liability and are not making money. Time to flush the toilet and send you all out to sea.

This is exactly the kind of attitude that I thought we were able to rid ourselves of in the last downsizing. Before we move on to the pinnacle we have to get rid of these naysayers who are detrimental to out division and our company. I know we can succeed. It only takes a belief in what you do and the desire to ut the time in and share our message. Unfortunately the problem is we are not aggressive enough! If we get the message out we will WIN>> Please, get out of bed, make more calls and the results will come rolling into our company. Lets make a difference to Pfizers bottom line. We are paid well, please lets earn our money. I think this division may need a cheerleader. DBM's start monitoring calls more closely. You need to know what time your rep starts their day and what time they end their day. If we are going to wim the attitude has to start at the top!!! We can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is exactly the kind of attitude that I thought we were able to rid ourselves of in the last downsizing. Before we move on to the pinnacle we have to get rid of these naysayers who are detrimental to out division and our company. I know we can succeed. It only takes a belief in what you do and the desire to ut the time in and share our message. Unfortunately the problem is we are not aggressive enough! If we get the message out we will WIN>> Please, get out of bed, make more calls and the results will come rolling into our company. Lets make a difference to Pfizers bottom line. We are paid well, please lets earn our money. I think this division may need a cheerleader. DBM's start monitoring calls more closely. You need to know what time your rep starts their day and what time they end their day. If we are going to wim the attitude has to start at the top!!! We can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahahahahahahahaha! And who is monitoring the DBMS ? It starts at the top.

Anyone who has made it to DBM has done so based on performance. They are not going to risk their salary and benefits, to linger at home. My DBM usually meets me at 7:30 and she usually stays with me right through 4:30pm. Long day but much is accomplished. We are in the driver's seat and the DBM's can only facilitate our projectory upwards. I, personally am grateful for her input and look forward to my next ride along. Our only hope is that we all can strive to move market share and not preform as robots. Women's health may not be the best place to be but it certainly is not the worse. Think about it would rather sell Chantix, Toviaz, or Viagra. I would not want to be part of those sales teams, especially with Viagra losing exclusivity soon.

Anyone who has made it to DBM has done so based on performance. They are not going to risk their salary and benefits, to linger at home. My DBM usually meets me at 7:30 and she usually stays with me right through 4:30pm. Long day but much is accomplished. We are in the driver's seat and the DBM's can only facilitate our projectory upwards. I, personally am grateful for her input and look forward to my next ride along. Our only hope is that we all can strive to move market share and not preform as robots. Women's health may not be the best place to be but it certainly is not the worse. Think about it would rather sell Chantix, Toviaz, or Viagra. I would not want to be part of those sales teams, especially with Viagra losing exclusivity soon.

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