Please say hello to our new Director
Ray Larwood
Get ready to become a Pfizer rep robot
Ray Larwood
Get ready to become a Pfizer rep robot
Ray is AWESOME!!!! The OD team we loved him!!!
Don't really consider the uneducated, low class od reps-really?
Now that you are director can we please get a review if the comp plan? Being that I've never worked with you, you still seem like a level headed guy. Valeant has a higher salary than us, their bonus structure is way more than ours. So many people wouldn't be leaving if we got a competitive salary. So many complain that they are not making near what they used to in bonus (even the old OD reps which lets face it are just glorified pc reps, lol) and the fact that many other companies offer higher salaries it's hard not to look....Do what's right and maybe people will stay.
P.s. can you get rid of KK or nudge her to leave with Perry? Thanks
not sure what current salary is there. used to be mid 70s, 40k bonus at plan was almost attainable. did the job for years, made more some years, made less others. when kk and ilk came in they hired their friends into rep roles at 100k plus. screwed existing team with little to no bump.
I launched all the LE products and besi and was a top ranked rep. I can't see paying more than 100k total comp for the rx job today. access when I left was about 50% signature only in metro areas. Calls with access devolved into formulary coverage issues. Ophthalmology has become over run with reps, formulary driven and many offices By appt only. It has become a primary care entry level position with me too products.
you might not like it, but that is the truth.
want more pay, go sell something, get paid 200+
Their salary and bonus structure is higher because they are calling on retina specialists for the majority of their products selling two buy and bill products, an infusion, and an injectable. If you research it, most retina sales reps make even more than they do...
Who are you fucking kidding? My valeant rep calls on the same docs I do, I run into them all the time. She doesn't do anything special...ooh buy and Bill. I have vaccine experience I know what buy and bill is and trust me it's not vastly different. Who are you kidding. pay us the money!!!!! 70k...I have pc friends at Pfizer that make that much starting.
Who are you fucking kidding? My valeant rep calls on the same docs I do, I run into them all the time. She doesn't do anything special...ooh buy and Bill. I have vaccine experience I know what buy and bill is and trust me it's not vastly different. Who are you kidding. pay us the money!!!!! 70k...I have pc friends at Pfizer that make that much starting.