Meet me at the Airport.. STUPID

Get a room. This Pharma company wants to lick your dick . Or, want your shoe in their a$$, Fucking morons these managers. I have told NO twice. He finally agreed and asked all the contacts from offices.
Theses managers are incompetent piece of shit. They call you to get your contacts and call the offices referring they know you well. So, they can get one on one with the physician. This company better go down at least here in States.
Get a room. This Pharma company wants to lick your dick . Or, want your shoe in their a$$, Fucking morons these managers. I have told NO twice. He finally agreed and asked all the contacts from offices.

Hey may be these pussy ass aholll managers wanna stick their face in your ass hole and taste the shit.
Who are these A** Holes called me yesterday again saying... I don't have to take up the job, Just meet once at the Airport. I have no idea these managers are so desperate. I think bunch of Bastards making a company. Who he hell knows. SUN is on the down slope.