Medtronic Diabetes


Don’t waste your time. Base is 65. Commission is $/unit and incentives volume, which is non existent in 90+% of territories. Avg Tm making 130k with a shitty car allowance selling 3rd in class product
Not sure if this will make you feel better but some of us on the outside would be quite happy making $130k with any sort of car allowance. Be grateful for what you have!

In defense of the post above, the level of specialty, skill and expectation Medtronic has is commensurate with roles paying 130k+ in salary alone. Then you add in commission and all of the other fringe benefits.

In your defense, you’re absolutely right. 130k is not small potatoes in a lot of industries/rolls. In the current climate at Medtronic diabetes, you’re exactly who they are looking to for. Highly recommend going for a position. Working for Medtronic is a great opportunity for career development.

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