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Medtronic CS (CRDM) position advice...URGENT plz

Where would you prefer working as a CS with Medtronic

  • Chicago

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  • Des Moines, Iowa

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  • Washington DC

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  • Any other place... please mention

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:)Hi. I have been interviewed for the CS position at Medtronic , Chicago with Ms. Moira Hinsdale. Does anyone know about the team there and the management? Is it a nice place to work? :confused:Any suggestions/advice will be highly appreciated.
Does anyone know about the Medtronic team in Des Moines? how is the team there? How is Ms. Jodi Hanson? She sounded very sweet :rolleyes:and seems like a nice person to work with but If any of you have worked with the team there or knows anyone in person there, your advice will be highly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.:)

- Tracy


What do you mean by "ability to learn the math"?
Are they going to have a Math quiz or some Mathematical problem solving round? I am a Biomedical Engineer. So Math shouldn't be a problem... any suggestions?

What do you mean by "ability to learn the math"?
Are they going to have a Math quiz or some Mathematical problem solving round? I am a Biomedical Engineer. So Math shouldn't be a problem... any suggestions?

Jesus Christ man do you take everything so literal? You're going to get fried in this industry.

Medtronic CRDM is not a well run organization. They lack vision and the ability to be strategic. The sales leadership chases a number like rookie reps with no long term thought or strategy, it will crash down around them soon.

The CS position is the servant to the sales rep despite the fact that they are generally more intelligent and trust worthy. The income disparity between those roles is significant and unwarranted given the talent vacuum we experience from the sales force, many do not know the basics about their product. Medtronic is living off of a name, they have lost their vision, intellect and ability to lead. That is my experience of them. Hope that is useful.

Medtronic CRDM is not a well run organization. They lack vision and the ability to be strategic. The sales leadership chases a number like rookie reps with no long term thought or strategy, it will crash down around them soon.

The CS position is the servant to the sales rep despite the fact that they are generally more intelligent and trust worthy. The income disparity between those roles is significant and unwarranted given the talent vacuum we experience from the sales force, many do not know the basics about their product. Medtronic is living off of a name, they have lost their vision, intellect and ability to lead. That is my experience of them. Hope that is useful.

As a competitive rep, I have no particular reason to defend Medtronic. I think your comments can pretty much be applied to ALL of the CRM companies, particularly in regards to income disparity.

I do disagree with your guess that all of this will "...crash down around them soon." If Boston can stay afloat amidst all of its troubles, its reasonable to believe that (somehow) despite a company's WORST efforts - doctors and administrators will keep using these products.

I interviewed with them earlier this year, and turned them down. They were addressing the "lack of vision" you point out. Although it could be total lip service, the managers I interviewed suggested that they were going to stop resting on their laurels, start acting like they were number 2 instead of number 1, and re-energize their teams. Even the fact that they were ACKNOWLEDGING this was a step outside of business as usual for a Medtronic manager, so lip-service or not - I thought it was refreshing.

I believe the OP was looking for advice on whether to go MDT or not. I have found that Medtronic CS's who want to become Sales Reps find their waits to be twice what it is for their counterparts at STJ and BSX. If that is important to you - you may want to try and figure out what the history has been in the territory you re looking to join.

On that note, its always important to learn as much or more about the TERRITORY as it is the COMPANY. Medtronic is strong nationally, but can be a weak sister in certain geographies.

Good luck

As a competitive rep, I have no particular reason to defend Medtronic. I think your comments can pretty much be applied to ALL of the CRM companies, particularly in regards to income disparity.

I do disagree with your guess that all of this will "...crash down around them soon." If Boston can stay afloat amidst all of its troubles, its reasonable to believe that (somehow) despite a company's WORST efforts - doctors and administrators will keep using these products.

I interviewed with them earlier this year, and turned them down. They were addressing the "lack of vision" you point out. Although it could be total lip service, the managers I interviewed suggested that they were going to stop resting on their laurels, start acting like they were number 2 instead of number 1, and re-energize their teams. Even the fact that they were ACKNOWLEDGING this was a step outside of business as usual for a Medtronic manager, so lip-service or not - I thought it was refreshing

I believe the OP was looking for advice on whether to go MDT or not. I have found that Medtronic CS's who want to become Sales Reps find their waits to be twice what it is for their counterparts at STJ and BSX. If that is important to you - you may want to try and figure out what the history has been in the territory you re looking to join.

On that note, its always important to learn as much or more about the TERRITORY as it is the COMPANY. Medtronic is strong nationally, but can be a weak sister in certain geographies.

Good luck

All valid points but I am in the division currently and it was lip-service, they know things need to change but will not do the right thing to preserve the model if it means missing a number. I am a top-performer but more loyal to the industry and our current path is very destructive but no one wants to hear it. Once MDT diversifies enough that we are not as large a part of the EPS equation, they will re-org us into Vascular and be done with it. All pretty clear to outsiders but greek to the long-term players who can't see the waterfall we are heading over.

I got the job and will be starting soon! I loved the team at Iowa. I do not know about the other districts but Mr. Pat Richer and Ms. Jodi seem to have a very well run team with a very comfortable environment to work. The whole interview process was very well paced. I was made to feel very much at ease. Each of the interviewers were very polite, friendly but professional. This was one of the best interview experiences I have had! Trust me, I have had some awful rude/ill-at-ease interviews too. They seemed to focus more on identifying how to bring out the best in you rather than making you chase the numbers.

P.S No one was even close to insulting my Maths skills or whatever skills.

PS it is never a good idea to post names/locations of a potential job.These boards are monitored by higher ups and probally the hiring manager. NEVER DO THAT AGAIN NEWBIE!!

I got the job and will be starting soon! I loved the team at Iowa. I do not know about the other districts but Mr. Pat Richer and Ms. Jodi seem to have a very well run team with a very comfortable environment to work. The whole interview process was very well paced. I was made to feel very much at ease. Each of the interviewers were very polite, friendly but professional. This was one of the best interview experiences I have had! Trust me, I have had some awful rude/ill-at-ease interviews too. They seemed to focus more on identifying how to bring out the best in you rather than making you chase the numbers.

P.S No one was even close to insulting my Maths skills or whatever skills.

Congratulations and welcome to Medtronic. Ignore the cynics on this board. It is refreshing to see someone without guile or cynicism show genuine enthusiasm for a role with us. All companies have upsides and downsides, stay true to yourself and help us be better.

As for getting in trouble with "higher ups" for posting names. I am one, and it thrills me to see your attitude. Welcome again!

Congratulations on getting the job. I work for Neuro and have interacted with Jodi and found her to be one of the nicest, most professional people I've ever worked with at CRDM. There are some clowns over there at the management level, but she isn't one of them. What you see is what you get with Jodi.

Congratulations on getting the job. I work for Neuro and have interacted with Jodi and found her to be one of the nicest, most professional people I've ever worked with at CRDM. There are some clowns over there at the management level, but she isn't one of them. What you see is what you get with Jodi.

Congratulations on joining CRDM in DesMoines with that team. I know them all and you just made the best decision of your life!! Good luck!

good luck with crm. Its not all that its cracked up to be but Im sure you will do fine. The one thing you will learn is to have thick skin no matter where you are located. I have not personally interacted with the Des Moines team although I heard they have some senior reps that will throw you out to the wolves to save themselves. Not good character in my mind. I am sure this Jodi person is nice and sweet although she answers to the DM and I am sure will do anything to save herself as well.